[Kde-bindings] Qyoto issues - QPainter, QSvgGenerator

Ruth Ivimey-Cook ruth at ivimey.org
Fri Feb 1 18:08:54 UTC 2013


Dimitar wrote:
>     I'm sorry, for now I can only tell it's most probably not related 
> to Qyoto. I made some searches and apparently this error can occur 
> with various files in many types of projects. I'll mail you if I find 
> out something else.
Well I've made some progress, of sorts. The EDMX error was a red 
herring... just misconfiguration of a dll copy.

It's crashing as soon as it attempts to create the main window, before 
the Main function's Exec(), in part of the initialisation that calls 
this code. In my Main routine I have previously set the OrganisationName 
and ApplicationName into the QApplication object:
         public void readAppSettings()
             QByteArray bytes = (QByteArray)settings.Value("geometry", 

VS2010 won't let me debug into the problem saying it can't even find the 
disassembly of the error. The actual message I get is:

FatalExecutionEngineError was detected
Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the 
error was at 0x6178ff2b, on thread 0x4c0. The error code is 0xc0000005. 
This error may be a bug in the CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable 
portions of user code. Common sources of this bug include user 
marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may corrupt the stack.

Checking with Process Monitor suggests that all the libraries the 
program is looking for are successfully loaded. The last line in the 
process monitor before the crash is a QueryNameInformationFile of 
mscoreei.dll, the MS Execution Engine, with a stack trace as follows:

15    wow64.dll    Wow64LdrpInitialize + 0x429 0x72d4c549    
16    ntdll.dll    RtlUniform + 0x6e6    0x76d44956 
17    ntdll.dll    RtlCreateTagHeap + 0xa7 0x76d41a17    
18    ntdll.dll    LdrInitializeThunk + 0xe 0x76d2c32e    
19    ntdll.dll    ZwQueryVirtualMemory + 0x12 0x76effbca    
20    kernel32.dll    SetUnhandledExceptionFilter + 0x141    
0x748e88f2    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll
21    kernel32.dll    GetProfileStringW + 0x12a3d 0x7491ffd9    
22    ntdll.dll    RtlKnownExceptionFilter + 0xb7 0x76f574df    
23    ntdll.dll    RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 0x36 0x76f19ec5    

The only thing I see there that might help is ZwQueryVirtualMemory, 
which just could indicate an out of memory condition?? I don't know 
enough. The PC itself has lots of RAM (8GB)?

Hope this sheds more light...


Software Manager & Engineer
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