[Kde-bindings] My latest collection of patches

Steven Boswell II ulatekh at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 11 22:58:14 UTC 2011

Here is my latest collection of patches.  The check-in comments for smokegen-windows.patch, smokeqt-windows.patch, and qyoto-windows.patch are as they were in my letter that I sent 12/8/2011 at 5:07pm, titled "Patches for Qyoto on Windows (final)".  The only addition is that, based on what I saw in smokegen/CMakeLists.txt, I added a section in smokeqt/CMakeLists.txt and qyoto/CMakeLists.txt that defined LIB_INSTALL_DIR if it was missing.

Please apply these patches, even if https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdebindings/csharp/qyoto/ is considered to be obsolete.  I would appreciate it.

There are two new patches, mostly for your comment.  smokeqt-buildassemblygen.patch contains the changes I had to make to smokeqt to get assemblygen to compile under Linux. assemblygen-linux.patch does several things.  One, it dikes out the compilation of Qyoto/Kimono assemblies unless ENABLE_QYOTO_PLUGIN and ENABLE_KIMONO_PLUGIN are defined, respectively.  This seems sensible, and also keeps me from having to make a smokekde-buildassemblygen,.patch right this moment. Two, it dikes out the compilation of qyoto-qtdbus and qyoto-phonon if the dependent projects aren't found, instead of generating an error.  This is from my work getting it to build under Windows. Three, it contains the changes to cmake/modules/CMakeDetermineCSharpCompiler.cmake that I made to the qyoto project to avoid picking the Microsoft.NET 2.0 compiler. Four, it sets LIB_INSTALL_DIR if it's not defined.  The fifth change, in lines 122-134 of assemblygen-linux.patch, should not be
 checked in; they're the hacks that it took to get QDeclarativeListProperty and NavigationMenu to not break the build.  I included those lines in case anyone else wants to try to build assemblygen & the new qyoto before these problems are properly fixed.

Back to getting assemblygen to build/run under Windows!

Steven Boswell
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