[Kde-bindings] how to distribute applications using korundum

Ian Monroe ian at monroe.nu
Wed Sep 22 20:13:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 2:58 PM, Melton, Ryan <rmelton at ball.com> wrote:
> Stefano,
> You don't really need to write a plugin.  You can just pretend that your gem has a C extension that needs to be compiled and do whatever you need to do in extconf.rb.  (extconf.rb does need to create a Makefile with at least an :all and an :install target that can do nothing or could do the work that you need to do.)
> Ryan

There's some trickiness to doing what Stefano wants. Like if the gem
is being installed by root or just locally by a user, the .desktop
needs to be placed accordingly. So if he can manage a plugin that
would be generally usable by others, all the better I say. :)


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