[Kde-bindings] Qyoto on Windows: binary packages

Keith Rusler xzekecomax at gmail.com
Tue May 25 22:50:06 UTC 2010

Hello Dimitar,

You would have to ask the people who handle the KDE windows packages on
their mailing lists or in #kde-windows on Freenode.
I haven't really heard much stuff from the #kde-mac team so I don't know
about them. But until they are available you might would cross compile them.
Like compile on Linux then just grab them and that it to Windows and just do
it that way, but I'm no expert on this but I did think about doing this.


2010/5/25 Dimitar Dobrev <dpldobrev at yahoo.com>

> Hi. I'd like to ask when there will be binary packages for Qyoto for
> Windows. What I mean is an msi installer which bundles the needed QT
> libraries and puts qt-dotnet.dll in the GAC, just like the installer for
> GTK#<http://ftp.novell.com/pub/mono/gtk-sharp/gtk-sharp-2.12.9-2.win32.msi>.
> I think QT is a much better tool-kit than GTK and it's a shame that its C#
> bindings are not as easily available on Windows. If such an installer is too
> much work would at least a zipped archive of the binaries be supplied?
> By the way, an installer for Qyoto for Mac OS X will be really useful as
> well.
> P.S.: Tonight I disrupted my sleep to try and compile Qyoto on Windows.
> After more than 3 hours, having tried both KDE for Windows and a separate
> installation of cmake, I couldn't build Qyoto. I am afraid I won't be able
> to spare additional efforts on that any time soon.
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