[Kde-bindings] Qyoto/Kimono

Richard Dale richard.j.dale at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 13:50:26 UTC 2010

Hi Jason

On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Jason Scurtu <jscurtu at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard Dale,
> I would really appreciate it if you have a spare minute or so, i am learning
> c# (trying to) on Linux (Kubuntu 10.04 KDE4.4.1) and I am trying to do it
> with Qyoto/Kimono bindings as that would be my toolkit of choice....
> Could it be that the bindings are broke for KDE 4.4? I am having a hard time
> as it seems nothing really works, tried some examples found in the sources
> and they compile but dont run, keep getting SIGABRT while executing native
> code.... Before I continue, it would be cool if you can brief me about the
> status of Qyoto/Kimono ..
In general Qyoto should work with KDE 4.4 and Qt 4.6, but I'm not sure
about Kunbutu though.

> Maybe you can point me to some good documentation? Everything I found seems
> old.....
Well we haven't changed anything much. The bindings are generated
automatically and the currrent ones have the new Qt 4.6 classes in
them. It is best to understand enough C++ documentation along with
studying some Qyoto example C# code to get started.

> How to start? should I even use Qyoto?? Limitations??
There isn't a specific mailing list for Qyoto yet, but people on
kde-bindings at kde.org can normally answer any questions - so I'll cc
this mail to there.

> Also I tried to compile the csharp support for kdevelop4, with no
> success.... so I guess I will be using Kate for now....
> It is just so depressing not getting anywhere..
> Would really appreciate some help on this, thanks
> Jason
I'm afraid nobody is working on KDevelop C# support at the moment as
far as I know, and so Kate or MonoDevelop are probably the best tools
to use.

-- Richard

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