[Kde-bindings] [PATCH] CMake configuration improvements

Richard Dale richard.dale at telefonica.net
Sat Feb 27 17:31:49 UTC 2010

On Saturday 27 February 2010 03:52:05 pm Arno Rehn wrote:
> Hi,
> Since the ENABLE_FOO variables in our CMake scripts became quite a mess now
> that we have so many modules, I replaced them all with simple checks for
> In the top-level CMakeLists.txt all packages are searched for with
> macro_optional_find_package(). So if someone doesn't want to compile
> Nepomuk or Soprano bindings, he can still simply disable them with
> -DWITH_Nepomuk=OFF or -DWITH_Soprano=OFF.
> I also added a nice feature log at the end of the configuration stage so
> that the user knows which features are enabled and which are not.
> Patch attached. Does anyone have objections or suggestions for
> improvements?
It looks ok to me. But i think for kde 4.5 we should get rid of anything that 
isn't in qt libs, kdesupport (or kde support things on gitorious), kdelibs or 
a 3rd party qt library. So stuff that the patch checks for, like akonadi, 
kdevelop or okular shouldn't be in kdebindings anyway in my opinion.

-- Richard

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