[Kde-bindings] Help start with MonoDevelop and Qyoto GUI

Linuxoid Oz linuxoidoz at yahoo.com.au
Thu Feb 4 21:21:09 UTC 2010

Thank you for your help.

Where can I find the uics? It does not appear to be part of the openSUSE distro or mono repos.

--- On Thu, 4/2/10, IBBoard <ibboard at gmail.com> wrote:

From: IBBoard <ibboard at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Kde-bindings] Help start with MonoDevelop and Qyoto GUI
To: "KDE bindings for other programming languages" <kde-bindings at kde.org>
Cc: "Arno Rehn" <arno at arnorehn.de>
Received: Thursday, 4 February, 2010, 8:25 PM

I'll throw in my insight as well, since I've been working on this
recently (since GTK# has such a horrible API for someone used to OO
programming). I might as well do something useful, rather than pestering
Arno and the others with questions and requests :)

On 04/02/10 17:45, Arno Rehn wrote:
> On Thursday 04 February 2010 12:43:01 linuxoidoz at yahoo.com.au wrote:
>> I found some tutorials on the net on how to write basic apps in C# with
>> Qyoto and successfully built them in MonoDevelop - no problem. I am
>> wondering if you could please tell me how to
>> 1. either convert .ui GUI files made in Qt Creator to C# for re-use in
>> MonoDevelop
>> 2. or design GUI in MonoDevelop but use Qt (Qyoto) calls to GUI widgets
> The only possibility is #1. The 'uics' command line tool will create C# source 
> files from .ui files. You also don't need to fire up Qt Creator for designing 
> UI's. The stand-alone app "designer" does the same.

As Arno said, just create .ui files and use the uics app to convert
them. I've written a tutorial about it following my initial experiences
with Qyoto. It is at http://ibboard.co.uk/Programming/using-qyoto.html
and hopefully it will help.

>> Is there any way to use a graphical GUI designer to make GUIs in C# with
>> Qyoto (it took me 50 times to build & run a Hello World with a button
>> project just to move a single button to the place I wanted on the window,
>> imagine what I have to do with a more complex interface)?
> Qt Designer, as stated above.

MonoDevelop already picks up the association with Qt Designer, so you
can do a right-click and "open with" anyway.

>> I've installed Qyotodevelop but I can't find it anywhere. What does it do?
>> Where can I find it?
> It's a plugin for MonoDevelop, which automatically updates C# source files 
> from the .ui files. But it's unmaintained and horribly broken.

It is supposed to add a "Qyoto Project" template to the "New Projects"
dialog, but I find it only ever appears once and then never again.

It also used to create a separate pseudo-folder with your UI classes in,
much like the "User Interfaces" folder in GTK# projects. All that did
when it worked was hide the .ui files from you and auto-generate the C#
code on changes (like GTK# projects) rather than on build (like my
current set-up).

It would be good to have better Qyoto integration, but it is definitely
usable as it is. Unfortunately, the maintainer of Qyotodevelop thinks
that Qyoto is unstable and unmaintained (which it doesn't seem to be)
and so the best we have is a build I made in the openSUSE build service
that compiles against MD2.2 but which is still broken.

As Arno said, Qyotodevelop is basically broken and needs a rewrite, and
99% of the functionality can be recreated without it (and with more
accurately generated code) using the methods in my 'tutorial'.

Good luck :)

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