[Kde-bindings] Noob to qyoto

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Sun Sep 13 16:53:26 UTC 2009

On Sunday 13 September 2009 18:33:50 James Mansion wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been sadly avoiding Qt and Qyoto over licensing but now that its an
> LGPL playing field I'm getting interested. I don't normally do any GUI
> programming but one of my kids is showing an interest in writing some
> wargaming stuff and it really was very easy to pick up PyQt in lunchtime
> and build the basics of a hex map with him in the evening.  I've never
> been very keen on the moc thing as a C++ coder, but I guess that if it
> makes wrappers easier then its just great, and it was a blast putting
> together a simple GUI program on a new platform - haven't had so much
> fun since VB1 came out.
> Anyway - its a lot easier to involve the lad on Windows, at least for
> the moment.  The kids get on OK with Ubuntu most of the time but we keep
> finding educational or gaming bits they'd like to access.
> Professionally, my clients tend to use Windows desktops too - even if
> I'm paid to code on Solaris and Linux.  So: Qyoto looks very interesting
> to me, and I like the idea that I could package a minimal mono and
> Qt/Qyoto runtime with apps. I think this is superior to Java/Qt at the
> moment, if only because right now getting the JRE slimmed down is tricky.
> It would, however, be a lot easier if I could use Microsoft's runtime as
> well, and that seems like it might be an issue.  When I commented on my
> joy that MonoDevelop is going cross-platform and keen-ness on mono/qt as
> a delivery platform (http://tirania.org/blog/archive/2009/Sep-09.html),
> a comment to my comment saiid that:
>  > Qyoto relies on mono's conservative garbage collector, and doesn't
> work with Microsoft's .NET.
>  > It's also sparsely maintained as far as I've been able to tell, which
> is a shame.
> Now the latter might be a matter of perception, and hopefully when Arno
> finishes his shiny new generator there will be a big splash on the KDE
> lists, and on the QT lists, and on the Mono lists etc.
> But is the former currently accurate for Windows?  Will it remain the
> case in future?  It sounds like a bug and rather fragile given an intent
> to change the gc strategy in Mono (eventually).
No, I just corrected that on Miguel's blog. I don't know why this guy thinks 
Qyoto depends on Mono's conservative GC, but it definitely doesn't. It's 
explicitly built to not depend on any Mono internals. People have already made 
Qyoto work on windows and sent us the patches (which were mainly about fixing 
some P/Invokes, but nothing to do with the GC). The main hurdle now is to make 
the code generation for the underlying SMOKE lib work on windows.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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