[Kde-bindings] methods missing from ruby bindings when using smoke built with the new generator

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Mon Nov 2 11:53:11 UTC 2009

On Monday 02 November 2009 10:15:37 am Stefano Crocco wrote:
> On Thursday 15 October 2009, Stefano Crocco wrote:
> > |After succeeding in building smoke with the new generator, I found out
> > | two problems running my programs using the ruby bindings.
> > |
> > |The first problem is that the KDE::SharedConfig doesn't seem to have a
> > | #group method anymore. Looking at the KDE api, that method is defined
> > | in the KConfigBase, from which KDE::SharedConfig is derived, so I think
> > | it should be availlable. You can see this error running the following
> > | code.
> > |
> > |require 'korundum4'
> > |
> > |data = KDE::AboutData.new "test", "", KDE::ki18n("Test"), "0.0.0"
> > |
> > |KDE::CmdLineArgs.init ARGV, data
> > |
> > |a = KDE::Application.new
> > |c = KDE::Global.config
> > |c.group 'xyz'
> > |
> > |The last line causes the error:
> > |
> > |in `method_missing': undefined method `group' for
> > |#<KDE::SharedConfig:0x825caa0> (NoMethodError)
> > |
> > |The second problem is that Qt::SizePolicy#setHorizontalStretch doesn't
> > | seem to work. According to rbqtapi, a binding for the
> > |QSizePolicy::setHorizontalStretch exists, but in practice it doesn't
> > | work. This can be seen in any file generated by rbuic, such as that
> > | contained in the calculatorform qtruby example. Running it, it gives:
> > |
> > |ui_calculatorform.rb:32:in `method_missing': undefined method
> > |`setHorizontalStretch' for #<Qt::SizePolicy:0x8404d04
> > | horizontalPolicy=5, verticalPolicy=5> (NoMethodError)
> > |
> > |I don't know whehter this is an issue with the new smoke generator or
> > | not. The fact is that if I replace the new version of smoke with an old
> > | one, build using kalyptus (revision 1000944) everything start working
> > | again. So, I think that either the new generator or some other change
> > | in smoke since that revision should be blamed for these issues (of
> > | course, provided I'm not doing something wrong).
> > |
> > |Maybe this is a known issue, but I chose to report it just in case it
> > | wasn't.
> > |
> > |Thanks in advance
> > |
> > |Stefano
> I wrote this message more than two weeks ago and I didn't get any answers.
>  I can think of three reasons for this:
> 1) the developers don't have time to answer right now
> 2) my mail went unnoticed
> 3) the problems I describe only exist on my system
My apologies, I'm really behind with sorting out bugs in QtRuby/Korundum. I've 
been really busy with a stressful day job, and also working on the QtScript 
smoke binding, and just hadn't had any time for Ruby. There are quite a few 
things I want to improve in QtRuby after working on the QtScript binding, as 
well as fix these outstanding bugs for the KDE 4.4 release.

> In the first case, there's nothing to say: I'll wait until the developers
>  have more free time and go on using the old version of smoke which is
>  working quite well. By the way, I'd like to thank the developers for all
>  the work they're doing to produce such wonderful software.
> If my mail was unnoticed, I hope that this will bring it to the attention
>  of the developers.
> If nobody else can reproduce the errors I described, please tell me so.
>  This way, I'll know that there's something wrong with my system and start
>  investigating about it.
> I generally don't like writing mails like this, pressing people to answer
>  my questions. The only reason I'm doing it now is to make sure the
>  developers know of a serious (at least, unless it only happens to me)
>  issue. In particular, I find the problem with Qt::SizePolicy very serious
>  because makes the Qt designer completely useless, as the code for all the
>  widgets it creates contains calls to Qt::SizePolicy#setHorizontalStretch
>  which crash the program.
> Sorry for the noise
No problem at all, thanks for taking the time to report the bugs. I'll try and 
investigate the problems as soon as I can.

-- Richard
> Thanks in advance for any help and for the understanding
> Stefano
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