[Kde-bindings] KDE/kdebindings/generator/generators/smoke

Arno Rehn kde at arnorehn.de
Fri Dec 18 15:27:28 UTC 2009

SVN commit 1063443 by arnorehn:

Don't add one to the methodNames count - idMethodName() doesn't expect that and might crash.

CCMAIL: kde-bindings at kde.org

 M  +1 -1      writeSmokeDataFile.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdebindings/generator/generators/smoke/writeSmokeDataFile.cpp #1063442:1063443
@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::classes, " << classCount << ",\n";
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::methods, " << methodCount << ",\n";
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::methodMaps, " << methodMapCount << ",\n";
-    out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::methodNames, " << methodNames.count() + 1 << ",\n";
+    out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::methodNames, " << methodNames.count() << ",\n";
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::types, " << typeIndex.count() << ",\n";
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::inheritanceList,\n";
     out << "        " << smokeNamespaceName << "::argumentList,\n";

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