[Kde-bindings] KDE/kdebindings

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Tue Jun 5 20:39:00 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 05 June 2007, Arno Rehn wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007 schrieb Richard Dale:
> > On Tuesday 05 June 2007, David Canar wrote:
> > > > Anything else?
> > >
> > > I think it would be good to contact the mono developers to post either
> > > an Article in Mono, post news in their site and/or add a Qyoto section
> > > to http://www.mono-project.com/Gui_Toolkits
> >
> > Yes that sounds a good idea, although I'm not sure what the mono people
> > think of Qt/KDE bindings. Maybe you or Arno know them better than me, and
> > could adapt the KDE dot news article and press release for that? I'll
> > write something this evening if I have time, but am a bit busy and so it
> > might be tomorrow evening.
> I don't know them either but from what I've heard are the mono people
> open-minded and don't just look at stuff that has to do with gnome ;-).
> I think if we give something to Miguel de Icaza, he might even put it up on
> Monologue (http://www.go-mono.com/monologue).
Well I think our own Qt/KDE 'supporters' are the biggest problem when trying 
to have rational discussions about mono and a Qyoto release. For instance, 
this guy segedunum seems to want to have a one man 'jihad' against all things 
mono, on OS News:


To which Miguel replies with:

"P/Invoke is where the real problem is, you would know that if you spend more 
time understanding Mono than attacking everything that might compete with KDE 
and Qt which you seem to defend religiously. "

"You seem to be upset that am not investing in whatever technology you think 
must "win" you almost seem like you are annoyed that you can not control the 
direction that other people choose. 
 Feel free to go and implement your own strategy and keep us posted. "

Well in fact that's exactly what we've doing here, and having some guy flaming 
all the time who doesn't seem to actually contribute code to anything, 
doesn't really help our project much.

-- Richard

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