[Kde-bindings] KDE/kdebindings

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Tue Jun 5 15:37:28 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 05 June 2007, Arno Rehn wrote:
> SVN commit 671745 by arnorehn:
> * Improved the build system:
> 	* Added FindMono.cmake to find mono, gmcs, mcs and gacutil
> 	* Added CSharpMacros.cmake which consists of macros for dealing with C#.
> 	  It's now much easier to build C# libraries and executables and to
> 	  install them.
> 	  Further, a C# target is only built if the output file is missing
> 	  or the sources were modified.
> * Updated all CMakeLists.txt to work with the improved build system.
That looks really good - I wonder if we're the first people to use cmake 
seriously with C#/Mono. Maybe we can suggest that a FindMono module is 
included with the cmake release?

I'm keen to get a release out, as I think we've got a lot of really good stuff 
now. Here is a release TODO list:

- Update the AUTHORS file
- Add a README summarising how Qyoto implements slots/signals/properties and 
how it differs from the C++ api. Describe how the uics and csrcc tools work.
- Write a release notice, and send to kde-announce, and anywhere else 
- Write an article for KDE Dot News, combining the above texts
- Build a release package and put it on the qyoto.org site
- Update the TODO and remove things we've done, and add items which haven't 
been implemented for the first release.

Anything else?

-- Richard

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