[Kde-bindings] QT TextEdit refresh

Carl Bourne cbourne at intellect.co.uk
Tue Jul 24 17:09:06 UTC 2007

Thanks for the prompt reply - that did the trick.
Just need to try and find a good place where this sort of stuff is documented! 
I've seen the pragmatic Ruby QT book, but that's QT 3 based a seems a bit on the light side. 
Can you recommend anything publications that's QT/Ruby specific? Don't fancy trying to learn C++.
Best Regards,


From: Richard Dale [mailto:rdale at foton.es]
Sent: Tue 24/07/2007 17:48
To: KDE bindings for other programming languages
Subject: Re: [Kde-bindings] QT TextEdit refresh

On Tuesday 24 July 2007, Carl Bourne wrote: 
> require 'Qt' 
> require 'dialog.rb' 
> app = Qt::Application.new(ARGV) 
> dialog = Dialog.new 
> dialog.exec 
> ------ 
> dialog.rb 
> ------- 
> class MyWidget < Qt::Widget 
>   slots 'go()' 
>   def initialize(parent = nil) 
>     super(parent) 
>     setFixedSize(500, 500) 
>     @textedit = Qt::TextEdit.new(self) 
>     @textedit.setGeometry(5, 50, 480, 300) 
>     quit = Qt::PushButton.new(('Generate'), self) 
>     quit.setGeometry(5, 5, 100, 30) 
>     quit.setFont(Qt::Font.new('Arial', 12, Qt::Font::Bold)) 
>     connect(quit, SIGNAL(:clicked)) {@textedit.clear();  go() } 
>   end 
>   def go 
>       #   @textedit.clear() 
>       @textedit.setText("Generating files:-") 
>       count = 0 
>       50.times do 
>         count+=1 
>         sleep 0.1 
>         @textedit.append("Generating file: "+count.to_s)     
>         puts "hello" 
>       end 
>       @textedit.append("Done") 
>   end 
> end 
> app = Qt::Application.new(ARGV) 
> widget = MyWidget.new() 
> widget.show() 
> app.exec() 
The Qt::TextEdit won't get repainted until you return to the event loop. So if 
you do everything inside to go() method you won't return to the event loop 
until you've done the 50 iterations. 

You need to do the 'Generating files' processing in another method, that is 
called once before control returns to the event loop like this for instance: 

class MyWidget < Qt::Widget 
  slots :go, :generate 
  def initialize(parent = nil) 
    setFixedSize(500, 500) 
    @textedit = Qt::TextEdit.new(self) 
    @textedit.setGeometry(5, 50, 480, 300) 

    quit = Qt::PushButton.new(('Generate'), self) 
    quit.setGeometry(5, 5, 100, 30) 
    quit.font = Qt::Font.new('Arial', 12, Qt::Font::Bold) 
    connect(quit, SIGNAL(:clicked)) {@textedit.clear(); go() } 
  def go 
      #   @textedit.clear() 
      @textedit.text = "Generating files:-" 
      @count = 0 

  def generate 
     @count += 1 
     @textedit.append("Generating file: "+ at count.to_s)   
     puts "hello" 
     if @count == 50 
       @timer = Qt::Timer.singleShot(100, self, SLOT(:generate)) 

PS: The two pieces of your code didn't seem to quite match as there was no 
Dialog class in dialog.rb.. 

-- Richard 

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