[Kde-bindings] Creating Qyoto sources

Arno Rehn arno at arnorehn.de
Fri Jan 19 22:58:45 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, 19. Januar 2007 22:49 schrieb Richard Dale:
> On Friday 19 January 2007 20:03, Arno Rehn wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I tried to let kalyptus create the Qyoto source, and it was somehow
> > successfull, but if I compare the sizes of the resulting sources with the
> > ones in SVN, I get different values. I used the headerlist provieded with
> > qt4-qtruby, but there are some files missing, though they are in the
> > headerlist.
> >
> > Do you use an other headerlist, Richard? Do you have a script for
> > splitting the resulting files? I've written one by myself, but I get two
> > Qt.cs files, one for QtGui and one for QtCore.
> > Would be great if you could post them somewhere.
> I use the one in the kde svn trunk, KDE/kdebindings/smoke/qt/header_list. I
> don't get two Qt.cs files though, everything should be combined into one.
> To generate I just edit '-fsmoke' in smoke/qt/generate.pl and change
> to '-fkimono'.
I see, but you've splitted the sources into "gui", "core", "net" etc. in Qyoto 
svn, did you do that by hand? ;-)

> I recently fixed a bug in parsing Q_PROPERTIES in kalyptus in the trunk,
> which meant most of the methods in QToolBar.cs were being dropped. I think
> Qt::ToolBarAreas still needs to be defined as an int as there doesn't seem
> to be a definition of the enum values anywhere (or I haven't found them at
> least).
The definiton is in QtCore/qnamespace.h
enum ToolBarArea {
        LeftToolBarArea = 0x1,
        RightToolBarArea = 0x2,
        TopToolBarArea = 0x4,
        BottomToolBarArea = 0x8,
        ToolBarArea_Mask = 0xf,
        AllToolBarAreas = ToolBarArea_Mask,
        NoToolBarArea = 0

Then there is
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ToolBarAreas, ToolBarArea)
which seems to map ToolBarAreas to ToolBarArea. If we want a enum, the easiest 
way would be probably to make kalyptus look if there's a enum and if not, 
look for a Q_DECLARE_FLAGS.

> One thing I was thinking of doing was to use partial classes, and rather
> have boiler plate code inside kalyptus, have it in the qyoto project as
> partial classes. For instance, split QApplication.cs and have
> QApplicationExtras.cs too, where extras would have the custom versions of
> the QApplication constructors. I'm not sure about the name:
> QApplicationExtras.cs,
> QApplicationPartial.cs, QApplicationCustom.cs or other?
I'd use QApplicationExtras.cs, would be easiest to understand, in my opinion.

Arno Rehn
arno at arnorehn.de

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