[Kde-bindings] playground/bindings/kimono

Richard Dale richard.j.dale at gmail.com
Sat Feb 24 20:48:10 UTC 2007

On Saturday 24 February 2007, Arno Rehn wrote:
> * Added ReadProperty and WriteProperty classes. Now custom properties can
>   be accessed via Property() and SetProperty() (and dbus?). However there
> seems to be a problem with marshalling, see FIXMEs in the code. The
> workaround should work as well as with marshalling, though.
OK, I've just had a look at the code - I'm not sure you need to involve
QVariants. I'll try doing it with the normal marshalling and see if I can get
it to work.
> * Autogeneration of Q_PROPERTY signatures and types now works properly.
> * Flags of properties should now be set correctly.
Excellent! One more important feature to tick off on the TODO list.

-- Richard

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