[Kde-bindings] Qyoto / Kimono any how to ?

David Canar davidcanar at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 20:16:52 UTC 2006

> When you configure smoke/qt it tests whether various features have been
> built
> into Qt. One of the tests is for QListView:
> Testing QT_NO_LISTVIEW                                    *Undefined*
> Here '*undefined*' means that the QListView class and header have been
> found
> in the version of Qt 4.x that is installed. The defines are are
> marked '*defined*' are added to the smoke/qt/qtdefines file. So have a
> look
> in there and see what it contains. You should certainly should have
> QListView
> class (the parent of QListWidget). Are you sure that /usr/include/Qt
> contains
> the Qt4 headers, and not the Qt3 ones?

Thanks for replying. I do have Qt4 on that directory. I installed
4.2.1using RPMs. In fact I can see it exists
/usr/include/Qt/qlistview.h but the
config file is not recognizing it. There is a bug of some sort.

I modified the smoke/qt/qtdefines file and I took out all the QT_NO_xxxxxx
lines except the QT_NO_STYLE_WINDOWSXP. I compiled smoke and it worked. It
generated the file .so and .la files.
Then I went to the kimono folder and I modified the makefile to look like

all: libqyoto.so qyoto.dll hello.exe

hello.exe: Hello.cs SmokeInvocation.cs
        mcs -r:qyoto.dll -unsafe -debug -out:hello.exe Hello.cs

qyoto.dll: SmokeInvocation.cs
        mcs -unsafe -debug -out:qyoto.dll -target:library
SmokeInvocation.csqyoto/*.cs qdbus/*.cs

libqyoto.so:    qyoto.cpp handlers.cpp
        gcc -shared -o libqyoto.so \
        -I/home/david/Projects/qt4-qtruby-1.4.7/smoke \
        -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/QtCore \
        -lQtCore -lQtGui -lsmokeqt qyoto.cpp handlers.cpp

and I typed make. It compiled with 438 warning(s) (but IT COMPILED!!!)
nice... I typed mono hello.exe and it worked! no problems!! I feel happy
thanks for your help... now I can start coding.

> > I was thinking we can host the project (code) on novell forge or google
> and
> > buy the qyoto-project.com domain for documentation, forums, wikis, etc.
> > What do you think?
> Yes that sounds good if you think the people will come, but maybe '
> qyoto.org'
> rather than 'qyoto-project.com' as we're not a company and there is
> nothing
> else on the web called qyoto? I searched for kimono sites (kimono stands
> for 'KDE Integrates Mono'), and there were both kimono.org and kimono.com
> sites. I would have thought novell forge would be the best site for
> Qyoto/Kimono source downloads as they sponsor the mono project.
> I use RubyForge for QtRuby because you need to have somewhere where people
> can
> download the qt-only part of a kde bindings project. There is a KDE
> Developers corner web site where I've put some docs for QtRuby, and I'd
> like
> to add some docs there for Qyoto too.
> -- Richard

I already bought the qyoto.org domain and I have a personal server where I
can host the project I'll let you know when I have a page for the project.

Many Thanks!

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