[Kde-bindings] Kde Application becomes unresponsive

Han Holl han.holl at pobox.com
Mon Jan 30 17:56:55 UTC 2006

On Monday 30 January 2006 13:36, Richard Dale wrote:
hat I can't see is what kind of error I must make to enter such a state.
> You could try switching on garbage collection or virtual method callback
> tracing to see if it might be something to do with Korundum. Add this just
> before calling exec on the app:
> Qt::Internal::setDebug Qt::QtDebugChannel::QTDB_VIRTUAL
> Qt::Internal::setDebug Qt::QtDebugChannel::QTDB_GC
> Then see if there seems to be a lot of garbage collection or virtual method
> callbacks during the slowdowns.
I'll try that. I probably should not have used the term 'unresponsive': it's 
not a slowdown, but delivery of signals stops.

> Maybe signals are no longer delivered to slots because the ruby instance
> with the slots got garbage collected? It's difficult to tell without seeing
> the source to see what you're doing.
I understand. I'll doublecheck garbage collection. And see below.

> > 2. The only way to quit the program is through a right click in the
> > system tray icon, and then to choose quit. Occasionally I get the
> > question: Are you sure you wnat to quit xxxx,
> > where xxxx is completely random garbage. Nothing bad happens, but I
> > wondered if it might somehow be related.
> I don't know if this is a ruby problem or not. Was 'xxxx' originally
> defined as a ruby String, and it got garbage collected?
Ah maybe. I use:
tray = KDE::SystemTray.new(toolbar, 'fotos')
Should I keep references to all objects used in contructing KDE/Qt objects ?
I have no idea which string the 'Are you sure' dialog is supposed to print.
I would expect the first argument in this call:
KDE::AboutData.new("kdepaper", "", '', '', 0)
Should I replace this with:
@appname = "kdepaper"
KDE::AboutData.new(@appname, "", '', '', 0)

More probable: I should keep a reference to the KDE::AboutData object (which I 
don't do at this moment).

Yes, that's it. Thanks.


Han Holl


> -- Richard
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