[Kde-bindings] compling 3.5 using kdesvn

Kurt V. Hindenburg kurt.hindenburg at kdemail.net
Sat Feb 4 22:44:29 UTC 2006

  Using kdesvn, the 3.5 branch kdebindings doesn't even come close to 
compiling.  I basically just want qtruby to test out, perhaps korundum as 
well. Using unsermake or not doesn't seem to matter at all.

module kdebindings
    checkout-only dcopc kalyptus smoke qtruby korundum
#    use-unsermake false
    use-unsermake true
end module

I noticed kdebindings seems to have special code in kdesvn, so I want to check 
first to see if others have compiled kdebindings this way.


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