[Kde-bindings] Qt3 Kimono version - got it compiled

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Thu Nov 24 18:03:56 UTC 2005

On Thursday 24 November 2005 16:12, Arno Rehn wrote:
> Hi,
> after some hacks in the kalyptus-generated code I could compile the Qt3
> Kimono bindings. But somehow I don't get the libqyoto thing to compile. Any
> ideas?
Excellent! Have a look at trunk/playground/bindings/kimono/makefile - this 
rule build the Qt4 version. What compile command were you using? It should be 
just a matter of putting the path to your Qt3 headers in a '-I' option, and 
linking against the Qt3 version of the libsmokeqt.so library. Is there some 
Qt4 specific code that won't compile?

libqyoto.so:    qyoto.cpp handlers.cpp
        gcc -shared -o libqyoto.so \
        -I/home/duke/src/kde/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebindings/smoke \
        -I/opt/kde4/include -I/opt/kde4/include/QtCore \
        -I/opt/kde4/include/QtGui \
        -L/opt/kde4/lib -lQtCore -lQtGui -lsmokeqt qyoto.cpp handlers.cpp

We could put the Qt3 .cs sources in kimono/qt3qyoto in the svn.

-- Richard

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