[Kde-bindings] kdebindings and dcop

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Sat Feb 12 09:56:00 UTC 2005

On Saturday 12 February 2005 10:15, Florian Roth wrote:
> HI,
> I try to make a simple dcop call using the kdebinding and the DCOPClient
> class (not dcopjava). I use the following code:
> byte[] data = new byte[50];
> StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
> dcop = app.dcopClient();
> if(dcop.registerAs("amarokfileserver", false) != null){
>   if (dcop.attach()) {
>     if (dcop.call("amarok", "player", artist()", new String("").getBytes(),
> buffer, data, false, -1)) { System.out.println(new String(data));
>     }
>   }
> }
> It seems to make a dcop call because "QString" is returned in the
> StringBuffer. But the data byte[] contains no data as far as I can see. Is
> this a problem of the bindings or is it just me who is doing something
> wrong?
Unfortunately I think it's a problem with the bindings. It's really a little 
sub-project to get DCOP working well with the bindings - someone did make a 
start a couple of years ago but they didn't finish it off. I'm afraid haven't 
had much time to work on the java bindings for the KDE 3.4 release, other 
than just regenerate them, but this is one of the most important things to 
get working.

-- Richard

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