[Kde-bindings] kdebindings and dcop

Florian Roth florian at synatic.net
Sat Feb 12 09:15:58 UTC 2005


I try to make a simple dcop call using the kdebinding and the DCOPClient class (not dcopjava).
I use the following code:

byte[] data = new byte[50];
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

dcop = app.dcopClient();

if(dcop.registerAs("amarokfileserver", false) != null){
  if (dcop.attach()) {
    if (dcop.call("amarok", "player", artist()", new String("").getBytes(), buffer, data, false, -1)) {
      System.out.println(new String(data));

It seems to make a dcop call because "QString" is returned in the StringBuffer. But the data byte[] contains no data as far as I can see.
Is this a problem of the bindings or is it just me who is doing something wrong?

Florian Roth

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