[Kde-bindings] Kalyptus - node types

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Thu Dec 8 20:42:35 UTC 2005

On Thursday 08 December 2005 19:33, Thomas Moenicke wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> you wrote:
> > I can't find any properties associated with QEvent, only this:
> >
> > /* An internal class */
> > class Q_EXPORT QDragResponseEvent : public QEvent
> > {
> > public:
> >     QDragResponseEvent( bool accepted )
> >
> >         : QEvent(DragResponse), a(accepted) {}
> >
> >     bool   dragAccepted() const { return a; }
> > protected:
> >     bool a;
> > };
> Oh. I found it here http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/qevent.html
> but I wondered why I could not find it?
Ah, I see you're using Qt4 - I see it now in the docs.

> > But Q_PROPERTY macros are currently skipped, by this code in 'kalyptus',
> > at about line 540:
> ...
> > So you would need to change kalyptus to parse Q_PROPERTY macros, and add
> > a suitable property that you could pick up during the code generation.
> I propose $cnode->{property} :)
Well, better $cnode->{Property} to be like the others..

> > I
> > haven't found a need to get at properties because there are always
> > ordinary methods that allow you to get at the same data.
> You are right. And the properties can be protected for all I care. But
> there is a method named "print_r()" in php which prints an object and all
> properties. This is useful and nice for any debugging.
> It costs nothing to generate it additionally so I want to add it.
For QtRuby there is an inspect method used for debugging, and I obtained all 
the properties inside that. They don't need to be part of the Smoke runtime 
though. I've attached the code from Qt4 QtRuby, it should be possible to 
adapt it if you remove the ruby specific bits.

-- Richard

-------------- next part --------------
// Takes a variable name and a QProperty with QVariant value, and returns a '
// variable=value' pair with the value in ruby inspect style
static QString
inspectProperty(QMetaProperty property, const char * name, QVariant & value)
	if (property.isEnumType()) {
		QMetaEnum e = property.enumerator();
		return QString(" %1=%2::%3").arg(name).arg(e.scope()).arg(e.valueToKey(value.toInt()));
	switch (value.type()) {
	case QVariant::String:
		if (value.toString().isNull()) {
			return QString(" %1=nil").arg(name); 
		} else {
			return QString(" %1=%2").arg(name).arg(value.toString());
	case QVariant::Bool:
		QString rubyName;
		QRegExp name_re("^(is|has)(.)(.*)");
		if (name_re.indexIn(name) != -1) {
			rubyName = name_re.cap(2).toLower() + name_re.cap(3) + "?";
		} else {
			rubyName = name;
		return QString(" %1=%2").arg(rubyName).arg(value.toString());

	case QVariant::Color:
		QColor c = value.value<QColor>();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Color:0x0 %2>").arg(name).arg(c.name());
	case QVariant::Cursor:
		QCursor c = value.value<QCursor>();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Cursor:0x0 shape=%2>").arg(name).arg(c.shape());
	case QVariant::Double:
		return QString(" %1=%2").arg(name).arg(value.toDouble());
	case QVariant::Font:
		QFont f = value.value<QFont>();
		return QString(	" %1=#<Qt::Font:0x0 family=%2, pointSize=%3, weight=%4, italic=%5, bold=%6, underline=%7, strikeOut=%8>")
									.arg(f.italic() ? "true" : "false")
									.arg(f.bold() ? "true" : "false")
									.arg(f.underline() ? "true" : "false")
									.arg(f.strikeOut() ? "true" : "false");
	case QVariant::Line:
		QLine l = value.toLine();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Line:0x0 x1=%2, y1=%3, x2=%4, y2=%5>")
	case QVariant::LineF:
		QLineF l = value.toLineF();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::LineF:0x0 x1=%2, y1=%3, x2=%4, y2=%5>")
	case QVariant::Point:
		QPoint p = value.toPoint();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Point:0x0 x=%2, y=%3>").arg(name).arg(p.x()).arg(p.y());
	case QVariant::PointF:
		QPointF p = value.toPointF();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::PointF:0x0 x=%2, y=%3>").arg(name).arg(p.x()).arg(p.y());
	case QVariant::Rect:
		QRect r = value.toRect();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Rect:0x0 left=%2, right=%3, top=%4, bottom=%5>")
	case QVariant::RectF:
		QRectF r = value.toRectF();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::RectF:0x0 left=%2, right=%3, top=%4, bottom=%5>")
	case QVariant::Size:
		QSize s = value.toSize();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::Size:0x0 width=%2, height=%3>")
	case QVariant::SizeF:
		QSizeF s = value.toSizeF();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::SizeF:0x0 width=%2, height=%3>")
	case QVariant::SizePolicy:
		QSizePolicy s = value.value<QSizePolicy>();
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::SizePolicy:0x0 horizontalPolicy=%2, verticalPolicy=%3>")
	case QVariant::Brush:
//	case QVariant::ColorGroup:
	case QVariant::Image:
	case QVariant::Palette:
	case QVariant::Pixmap:
	case QVariant::Region:
		return QString(" %1=#<Qt::%2:0x0>").arg(name).arg(value.typeName() + 1);
		return QString(" %1=%2").arg(name)
									.arg((value.isNull() || value.toString().isNull()) ? "nil" : value.toString() );

// Retrieves the properties for a QObject and returns them as 'name=value' pairs
// in a ruby inspect string. For example:
//		#<Qt::HBoxLayout:0x30139030 name=unnamed, margin=0, spacing=0, resizeMode=3>
static VALUE
inspect_qobject(VALUE self)
	if (TYPE(self) != T_DATA) {
		return Qnil;
	// Start with #<Qt::HBoxLayout:0x30139030> from the original inspect() call
	// Drop the closing '>'
	VALUE inspect_str = rb_call_super(0, 0);	
	rb_str_resize(inspect_str, RSTRING(inspect_str)->len - 1);
	smokeruby_object * o = 0;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, smokeruby_object, o);	
	QObject * qobject = (QObject *) o->smoke->cast(o->ptr, o->classId, o->smoke->idClass("QObject"));
	QString value_list;
	value_list.append(QString(" objectName=\"%1\"").arg(qobject->objectName()));
	if (qobject->isWidgetType()) {
		QWidget * w = (QWidget *) qobject;
		value_list.append(QString(", x=%1, y=%2, width=%3, height=%4")
												.arg(w->height()) ); 
	rb_str_cat(inspect_str, value_list.toLatin1(), strlen(value_list.toLatin1()));
	return inspect_str;

// Retrieves the properties for a QObject and pretty_prints them as 'name=value' pairs
// For example:
//		#<Qt::HBoxLayout:0x30139030
//		 name=unnamed,
//		 margin=0,
//		 spacing=0,
//		 resizeMode=3>
static VALUE
pretty_print_qobject(VALUE self, VALUE pp)
	if (TYPE(self) != T_DATA) {
		return Qnil;
	// Start with #<Qt::HBoxLayout:0x30139030>
	// Drop the closing '>'
	VALUE inspect_str = rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0);	
	rb_str_resize(inspect_str, RSTRING(inspect_str)->len - 1);
	rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, inspect_str);
	rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("breakable"), 0);
	smokeruby_object * o = 0;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, smokeruby_object, o);	
	QObject * qobject = (QObject *) o->smoke->cast(o->ptr, o->classId, o->smoke->idClass("QObject"));
	QString value_list;		
	if (qobject->parent() != 0) {
		QString parentInspectString;
		VALUE obj = getPointerObject(qobject->parent());
		if (obj != Qnil) {
			VALUE parent_inspect_str = rb_funcall(obj, rb_intern("to_s"), 0, 0);	
			rb_str_resize(parent_inspect_str, RSTRING(parent_inspect_str)->len - 1);
			parentInspectString = StringValuePtr(parent_inspect_str);
		} else {
			parentInspectString.sprintf("#<%s:0x0", qobject->parent()->metaObject()->className());
		if (qobject->parent()->isWidgetType()) {
			QWidget * w = (QWidget *) qobject->parent();
			value_list = QString("  parent=%1 objectName=\"%2\", x=%3, y=%4, width=%5, height=%6>,\n")
		} else {
			value_list = QString("  parent=%1 objectName=\"%2\">,\n")
		rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(value_list.toLatin1()));
	if (qobject->children().count() != 0) {
		value_list = QString("  children=Array (%1 element(s)),\n")
		rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(value_list.toLatin1()));
	value_list = QString("  metaObject=#<Qt::MetaObject:0x0");
	value_list.append(QString(" className=%1").arg(qobject->metaObject()->className()));
	if (qobject->metaObject()->superClass() != 0) {
		value_list.append(	QString(", superClass=#<Qt::MetaObject:0x0 className=%1>")
							.arg(qobject->metaObject()->superClass()->className()) );
//	if (qobject->metaObject()->numSignals() > 0) {
//		value_list.append(Q3CString().sprintf(", signalNames=Array (%d element(s))", qobject->metaObject()->numSignals()));
//	}		
//	if (qobject->metaObject()->numSlots() > 0) {
//		value_list.append(Q3CString().sprintf(", slotNames=Array (%d element(s))", qobject->metaObject()->numSlots()));
//	}
	rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(value_list.toLatin1()));

	QMetaProperty property = qobject->metaObject()->property(0);
	QVariant value = property.read(qobject);
	value_list = " " + inspectProperty(property, property.name(), value);
	rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(value_list.toLatin1()));

	for (int index = 1; index < qobject->metaObject()->propertyCount(); index++) {
		rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(",\n"));

		property = qobject->metaObject()->property(index);
		value = property.read(qobject);
		value_list = " " + inspectProperty(property, property.name(), value);
		rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(value_list.toLatin1()));

	rb_funcall(pp, rb_intern("text"), 1, rb_str_new2(">"));
	return self;

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