[Kde-bindings] qtruby installation on macosx

jm jeffm at ghostgun.com
Wed Apr 6 04:09:12 UTC 2005

On 05/04/2005, at 7:37 PM, Richard Dale wrote:

> Yes, look at config.status in the top level Qt directory. Make sure 
> you use
> the same arguments as recommended in qtruby/INSTALL.

if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
   echo yes | /Developer/qt-mac-free-3.3.2/configure --thread "$@"
   echo yes | /Developer/qt-mac-free-3.3.2/configure --thread

mmm. Time to recompile.

make confclean
  ./configure -system-zlib -qt-gif -plugin-imgfmt-mng -thread -no-stl 
-no-exceptions -fast
(go get a coffee - Single estate masai very nice)

/Developer/qt/config.status now contains

if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
   echo yes | /Developer/qt-mac-free-3.3.2/configure -system-zlib 
-qt-gif -plugin
-imgfmt-mng -thread -no-stl -no-exceptions -fast "$@"
   echo yes | /Developer/qt-mac-free-3.3.2/configure -system-zlib 
-qt-gif -plugin
-imgfmt-mng -thread -no-stl -no-exceptions -fast

repeat steps in orginal email, same problem. Grrr. delete entire 
directory and re-extract archive to make sure that it's pristine.  
repeat. last step gives,

$ make|head -20
cc -dynamic -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace  
-L"/Users/gg/ulocal//lib" -L"/usr/lib" -L"/Developer/qt/lib" -o 
qtruby.bundle handlers.o Qt.o -lsmokeqt -lqt-mt -lstdc++ -ldl -lobjc
ld: Undefined symbols:
qstrdup(char const*) referenced from libsmokeqt expected to be defined 
in libqt.3.dylib
QDataTable::findBuffer(QSqlIndex const&, int) referenced from 
libsmokeqt expected to be defined in libqt.3.dylib
QDataTable::hideColumn(int) referenced from libsmokeqt expected to be 
defined in libqt.3.dylib
QDataTable::paintField(QPainter*, QSqlField const*, QRect const&, bool) 
referenced from libsmokeqt expected to be defined in libqt.3.dylib
.... etc ....
QDataTable::qt_property(int, int, QVariant*) referenced from libsmokeqt 
expected to be defined in libqt.3.dylib
make: *** [qtruby.bundle] Error 2

Checked for anything like qt or smoke in  /Users/gg/ulocal//lib none 

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