[Kde-bindings] Another segfault yet, but more complex

Han Holl han.holl at pobox.com
Tue Oct 5 21:18:17 UTC 2004

On Tuesday 05 October 2004 22:32, Richard Dale wrote:

> Well confusing..
[ cut an interesting explanation that's a bit over my head just now, but I'll 
keep it for further studying in the next weeks]

> I would make widget an instance variable @widget in the meantime, so ruby
> doesn't garbage collect it, along with anything else long lived.

I did that, and it does indeed do the job.

                            > You can
> debug garbage collection like this:
> Qt::Internal::setDebug(Qt::QtDebugChannel::QTDB_GC)

I'll try that.

Thanks for all the time and effort you're putting in. I think Qt is 
excellently designed, and the C++ <=> Ruby fit is on the whole very good.

It's a lot of fun.


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