[Kde-bindings] Re: kdebindings/qtruby (silent)

Richard Dale Richard_Dale at tipitina.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 31 09:09:30 UTC 2003

On Thursday 31 July 2003 10:16, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> hello again richard :)
> cvs version of qtruby doesn't appear to work at all for me :(
>    # ruby t1.rb
>    t1.rb:5: uninitialized constant Qt::Application (NameError)
> any ideas for debugging it?
>    Qt::Internal.Classes = {}
>    Qt::Internal.CppName = {}
> where did it go wrong?
> (or last tarball 0.6 worked otoh, i can find the
>  part of the diff that broke it if its useful)
> oh. ruby version 1.8 pre 5. (and pre 3 also doesn't work)
Oh dear! The only thing I can think of is that I moved qtruby/qtruby.rb to 
qtruby/lib/Qt.rb, and that has messed something up. Have you got rid of all 
the old code? The initialization for the Hashes looks like this now - I 
changed it from '= {}' to '= Hash.new' a day or two ago.

		Classes	= Hash.new
		CppName	= Hash.new

-- Richard

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