[Kde-bindings] Re: AW: AW: [Kde-perl] PerlQt port for Qtopia / Zaurus?

Adam Treat manyoso at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 25 23:15:38 UTC 2003

On Saturday 25 January 2003 08:40 pm, Ashley Winters wrote:
> --- Germain Garand <germain at ebooksfrance.com> wrote:
> This all stems from the fact that connect() isn't virtual, and the
> meta-object interface has no friendly introspective wrapper class we
> can all use like happy lemmings. Here's waiting for Qt-4.x...
> Okay, I'm not actually ticked about it, since PerlQt-3's ugly,
> disgusting hack doesn't suffer from those problems. :)

We do the same thing with signal/slots (a bunch of proxy slots for each 
signature) and have been looking for a better way.  The ideal solution for us 
would be a Connect method that took a function pointer as the slot.  Do you 
know if TT is working on a introspective wrapper or some other tool for the 
bindings in Qt-4.x?  If not then maybe we can ask in unison and see what they 
say ;)

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