Currency 0.1

Alexey Lexover lexover at
Sat Jan 30 20:45:08 UTC 2016

Name: Currency
Version: 0.1
Type: Plasmoid Binary
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 [b]Plasmoid Currency Widget[/b]

This KDE4 plasmoid displays exchange rate for
cpecicied currencies.  
This widget used the FloatRates Feeds API
[url][/url] to collect
data so credit is 
due there.  

This Software is published under the terms of the
GNU GPL V3 and comes
without any warranty. Feel free to change or
distribute this software.

Short installation instruction:
# tar -xvzf CurrencyPlasmoid-0.1.tar.gz
# cd CurrencyPlasmoid
# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config
--prefix` ..
# make
# make install

Supported currencies listed on the next
Currency code specified in parentheses. As
example: USD, EUR, RUB....

NOTE: Update exchange rates on the site takes
place once a day.For this reason, 
there is no need to install frequent updates.

You only need to specify base currency (the
currency against which calculates 
rates) code into the plasmoid settings and any
currency for which you want to 
display exchange rate.
In the straight course specified currency codes
separated by semicolons that 
are calculated to the base currency. Accordingly,
in the course of an 
inverted calculation is performed with respect to
this currency. 
For example, the base currency and the USD
exchange rate is determined for 
the EUR, direct the course will be the USD/EUR,
and the inverted 
EUR/USD dollar, respectively.


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