FreeboKs Player 0.1

Sylvain Garsault sylvain.garsault at
Sat Oct 29 16:58:17 UTC 2011

Name: FreeboKs Player
Version: 0.1
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
Depend: KDE 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 This script allows you to control Amarok 2 with a
Freebox (French Internet provider set-top box). I
wrote it to be able to send the sound from my PC
over the network to the Freebox connected to my
HiFi equipment and control Amarok with the TV
remote control.

Please take a look at the pa2fbx script, which I
use to send the sound of the PC on the Freebox
(through pulseaudio and VLC transcoding).

  * Implemented
    - Remote control: play, pause, stop, next and
previous track.
    - Displays the currently playing track
information and the album cover on your TV.
    - Displays the playing track title on the
Freebox LED display.
    - Displays the Amarok playlist. You can browse
the playlist and jump to any track by pressing the
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"OK\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" button.


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