KAlarm 2.2.1/2.2.3 (KDE3/4)

David Jarvie djarvie at kde.org
Sun Jun 14 20:56:49 CEST 2009

Name: KAlarm
Version: 2.2.1/2.2.3 (KDE3/4)
Type: KDE Other Utility
Depend: KDE 3.3.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.astrojar.org.uk/kalarm
More Info:

 KAlarm is a personal alarm scheduler which
displays messages, executes commands, or sends
emails, at scheduled times. You can set up
recurring alarms, or restrict alarms to working
hours. Among its options, it allows you to choose
the message font and color, whether to display an
advance reminder, whether to speak the message or
play a sound when it is displayed, whether to
cancel the alarm if it can't be triggered on time
(e.g. if you are logged out when it triggers).

You can optionally use multiple alarm calendars,
or share calendars. This allows, for example,
sharing alarm calendars between laptops and
desktop computers.

As well as using the graphical interface to
configure alarms, you can use the command line,
and there is a DCOP interface for other

The KDE 3.5 kdepim package provides KAlarm version
1.5. The KAlarm version downloadable from here
(version 2.2 for KDE 3) is functionally the same
as the KAlarm which is part of the next KDE 4
release (KDE 4.3). 

 Version 2: KAlarm now handles multiple calendars,
seasonal time changes and time zones. Alarm texts
can be generated by commands, and alarms can be
restricted to working hours. The alarm daemon
(kalarmd) is removed.

Version 2.2.1: Both KDE3 and KDE4 versions are now
available. This version fixes some bugs, and adds
a Ukrainian translation for the handbook.

Version 2.2.3: Fixes serious bugs relating to KDE4
only, including a version 2.2.2 packaging fault
whereby it didn't actually fix the bugs it was
supposed to. It fixes a crash closing remote
calendars, a crash when two alarms with audio
files are triggered simultaneously (e.g. when
redisplaying at startup), and it fixes multiple
emails being sent by email alarms (when sent via

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