German Radio Streams Service 0.15

Andreas Wuest andreaswuest at
Mon Jul 13 20:55:24 CEST 2009

Name: German Radio Streams Service 
Version: 0.15
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
License: LGPL
More Info:

 Amarok Script provides streams some German Radio
Stations. The List is still very incomplete! Feel
free to send me more radio streams so i can add
them to the script.

If there is anybody out there who knows how to get
the streams urls from pages like
i would really appreciaty any help because, so far
i was not able to add radio stations that use
nacamar for streaming. 

If some streams are broken or do not work please
tell me so i can update the stream urls.

If you vote this script as bad, please leave a
comment and tell me what is bad about the script.

 0.15 [2009-07-13]

* added Offener Kanal Bremen, Stadtradio
* updated Klassik Radio

0.14 [2009-06-16]

* fixed N-JOY streaming URL, fixed NDR streaming

0.13 [2009-04-29]

* added Radio StHörfunk, 97eins, Antenne AC,
Antenne Münster, radio ffn,
  Bayernwelle Süd Ost, beFM, bigFM Saarland,
burnFM, Cafe 80s, CampusFM,
  Charivari 102.4, cityREdio, Country 108

0.12 [2009-03-10]

* added Metal-Only (thanks to DrNop)
* fixed all HR stations, because the streaming
provider has changed for
  these stations (thanks to fingal12)

0.11 [2009-02-25]

* added Main FM, Hitradio ANTENNE 1, Radio Gong
96.3, SWR 2, SWR 4 BW,
  SWR 4 RP, Radio Dreyeckland, Freies Radio
Freudenstadt, Wüste Welle,
  101.9 Jazz Radio (montio), Radio Z, LORA
München, bermuda.funk, 
  radio flora, Coloradio, Pi-Radio, Radio
Unerhört Marburg, TOP FM 
  (thanks to Sebastian Schneider), Punk Radio,
Power Radio, Pop Radio 1-3

0.10 [2009-02-18]

* added Radio 91.2 (thanks to hgraeber), FSK,
Radio Microwelle (thanks to
  triptol), Freies Radio Kanal Ratte, HoRadS,
Freies Radio für Stuttgart,
  Sender KW, 14482 Babelsberg Hitradio

0.9 [2009-01-19]

* added radioeins (thanks to sitzm), radioBERLIN
88.8, Kulturradio,
  RADIO 21, Okerwelle 104.6, hr-info, Antenne
Unna, Antenne West Radio,
  Hitradio Ohr

0.8 [2009-01-09]

* added MotorFM, DELUX RADIO, High-Engergy-Radio,
various Radio Energy Stations,
  various Radio Bremen Stations, Inforadio RBB,
Radio TON Stations

0.7 [2009-01-06]

* added Energy Pop/HipHop, various Hit Radio FFH
Channels, alster radio 106!8,
  Radio Darmstadt - RadaR (thanks to pocytac)
0.6 [2008-12-21]

* added Radio Brocken, Bayern 4 Klassik, Radio
Galaxy Kempten, RSA-Radio, SR 1,
  SR 2 Off-Beat, 103.7 UserDing Zukunft/Schwarz,

0.5 [2008-12-19]

* added 6 more radio streams
* removed Amarok.onConfigure()

0.4 [2008-12-01]

* added more radio streams

0.3 [2008-11-28]

* added Antenne Bayern, Rock Antenne
* added MDR *, NDR *, WDR Einslive, YOU FM *
Streams and some more streams.

0.2 [2008-11-22]

* added WDR 2-5, Bayern 2-3, on3radio (thanks to
  Radio 7, HR 1-4, Deutsche Welle, Radio freeFM

0.1 [2008-11-22]

* initial release

Praktikant m/w Programmierung/Marketing/IT - - trainee
Junior Software Engineer in Stuttgart (w/m) -
softSCIENCE GmbH - vollzeit

more jobs:

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