MusicExplorer alpha1.0

Michi von Känel michisspam at
Mon Nov 24 16:57:50 CET 2008

Name: MusicExplorer
Version: alpha1.0
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
License: LGPL
More Info:

 MusicExplorer is the new way to generate
intelligent dynamic Playlists.

Imagine all songs you have as points in space,
where similar songs lie near to each other. This
script can walk around in this space and generate
smooth playlists (no big jumps in genre for

The script can also act as a DJ. Just add the
songs you definitly want to hear to the playlist
and the script will automaticly reorder them and
add some more songs in between such that you get
nice transitions between your songs.

The first time you start, the plugin will download
the coordinates for all your songs from (poor page atm), which might
take some time. You definitly want to read the FAQ
that comes with this script.

Keep in mind that this is an alpha release: There
are still a some API functions needed in order to
finish this. If you are a developer, take a look
at the TODO list. :)

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