G15-Simple 1.5

Jocke Andersson ajocke at gmail.com
Sat Mar 22 15:56:17 CET 2008

Name: G15-Simple
Version: 1.5
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 A script that shows Amarok\'s current playing
track (artist, title, album and length) on the G15
LCD screen.

Loosely based on Robert Riemann\'s \"G15 Amarok
Plugin Plus\" v1.0
but heavily modified and now [i]only[/i] updates
on track or status change (when using Robert\'s
script Amarok\'s CPU usage shot up to about 10% on
my (slow and old) computer). Also, it does
[i]not[/i] scroll long titles, since that would
need more updates. That said, it\'s a simple(!)

Needs g15composer, iconv, dcop and a running
Amarok (will check for all these requirements when

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