Qsynth 0.3.3

Rui Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Fri Jul 11 01:04:04 CEST 2008

Name: Qsynth
Version: 0.3.3
Type: KDE Sound Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://qsynth.sourceforge.net
More Info:

 QSynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application
written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt
Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a
softsynth management application allowing the user
to control and manage a variety of command line
softsynth but for the moment it wraps the
excellent FluidSynth. FluidSynth is a command line
software synthesiser based on the Soundfont

 0.3.3  2008-07-10  Knobs galore. 

- Due to some trouble with newer Qt >= 4.4
applications regarding font size configuration, a
new global user option is now available to the
rescue: Options.../Other/Base font size (default
is no-op).
- Knobs: graphic styles are now QStyle derived
classes, which are assigned to the knobs using
QWidget::setStyle(). Three styles  are implemented
in this way, supporting also the legacy QDial:
  * Our former look, tweaked and ported from Sonic
  * A port of the new look implemented by David
  * Another ported widget style, designed by
Giuseppe Cigala.
- Spanish translation added.
- Attempt to load Qt's own translation support and
get rid of the ever warning startup message,
unless built in debug moderr; also introducing the
very first and complete German translation
(patching transaction by Guido Scholz, thanks).
- Messages file logging makes its first long
overdue appearance, with user configurable
settings in Options/Logging.
- Only one application instance is now allowed to
be up and running, with immediate but graceful
termination upon startup iif an already running
instance is detected, which will see its main
widget shown up and all engines started
automatically (Qt/X11 platform only).

0.3.2  2007-12-19  Minor stealth fixes and season

- A new option to start the program minimized when
the system tray icon is enabled, is now available
from Setup/Misc/Start minimized to system tray.
- Regression from QSystemTrayIcon (Qt4 >= 4.2)
implementation, at least on X11 environments:
while the main application widget was minimized to
the system-tray, closing any other top-level
widget was causing the immediate and unexpected
application shutdown.
- Minor corrections on the output peak meter scale
- Tool/child windows position and size
preservation fixed.
- Orphaned MIDI device name no longer mistaken
when switching between MIDI drivers on engine
- A bit more of precision is achieved over the
output peak meters.
- Messages line limit was not being checked, now
- Simple as it could ever be, the build executive
summary report is now given on configure.
- Get configure to try and detect the correct
qmake location and insert it the search order, so
let the qt4 tools take precedence when --with-qt
option is given and older qt3 ones coexist and are
found located ahead in the PATH.
- The infamous "Keep child windows always on top"
global option is now supposed to behave a little
better when disabled, layering child windows as
naturally as far the window manager dictates.
- Inspired on Andreas Persson patch, while on
qjackctl-devel, which made it possible to compile
and run with older Qt 4.1, similar arrangements
were carried out on qsynth too, without
- Main panel spin-boxes gets accelerated when
stressed (Qt >= 4.2).

0.3.1   2007-07-16  Shallowed bug-fix release.

- Now using QSystemTrayIcon class facility if
available (Qt4 >= 4.2) making the system-tray
option available on most platforms, notably on
Windows and Mac OS X (EXPERIMENTAL).
- Combo-box setup history has been corrected on
restore, which was discarding the very initial
default (factory) contents.
- One programming error has been corrected, which
was affecting the editable preset combo-boxes
- Soundfont context menu is now available again
even when the setup dialog soundfont list is
- About form link is now browseable externally.
- Updated README-OSX (thanks to Ebrahim Mayat

0.3.0   2007-07-03  Qt4 migration was complete.

- Qt4 migration has commenced and is now complete.
Care must be taken with this new configuration
file and location: this release starts a new one
from scratch and won't reuse any of the previous
existing ones, although cut and paste might help
if you know what you'll be doing :)
- Application icon is now installed to
${prefix}/share/pixmaps; application desktop entry
file is now included in installation; spec file
(RPM) is now a bit more openSUSE compliant;
initial debianization.
- Default font option names were adjusted to "Sans
Serif" and "Monospace", wherever available.
- The "keep child windows always on top" option is
not set as default anymore, because window focus
behavior gets tricky on some desktop environments
(eg. Mac OS X, Gnome).
- Autoconf (configure) scripting gets an update.

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