GoogLyrics 0.2

cc cc ultramancool at
Fri Apr 11 15:06:00 CEST 2008

Name: GoogLyrics
Version: 0.2
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 Sick and tired of traditional, crappy lyrics
search tools? Sick of having to go to google
yourself to hunt down lyrics? GoogLyrics is for
you! I've been annoyed by the low yield on some of
my more obscure music with many of the Amarok
lyric search scripts available. A long time ago,
I'd seen a rather impressive windows program
called EvilLyrics, they had an interesting idea,
search for the lyrics then rip them off known
websites, using this it managed to have a very
high success rate at lyric extraction. I decided
to implement this myself in an amarok script.
After a quick day of scripting, here's the result:
a true lyrics metasearch script. Now a month
later, this script is constantly getting more
advanced. It now supports many different popular
lyrics sites and has an extremely high success
rate on even my more obscure music.

If you're using Ubuntu or debian, this is as
simple as download+install the package below. For
any other distro, read on.

This script requires the WWW::Mechanize perl
module to run, 
to install it on any distro:
# cpan
cpan> install WWW::Mechanize

Text::Iconv is also required for this, however,
this is already included in most perl packages. if
not, follow the cpan instructions replacing
WWW::Mechanize with Text::Iconv

Logo credits go to puffaliaz, who I'm yet to have
a website from... when he makes one I'll post it.

- Fixed many broken regexs, lyricstime support
fixed, etc...

- lyrics are now saved to ~/lyrics by default as
artist - title - Saved.txt, if you want the script
to use them, rename them to artist - title.txt
- fixed sing365 regex
- added and

- Added support
- Released ubuntu package
- Supports a total of 24 lyrics sites.

- Added 2 new lyrics sites as suggested in
- Added more parsing into song title (works with

- now support crylic lyrics properly
- fixes sending of a few characters
- fixes few minor errors in name change
- files renamed

- "Initial" public release.
- This release is indebted to PhobosK who
contributed most of the code for this new release,
Great work!
- Now searches with google
- Now supports an even bigger range of sites,
there's too many to list now.
- Many additions were crylic lyrics sites, thanks
PhobosK for this again!

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