Quimup 0.3.0

Johan Spee web at coonsden.com
Wed Nov 21 11:05:31 CET 2007

Name: Quimup
Version: 0.3.0
Type: KDE Sound Application
Depend: Qt 3.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://www.coonsden.com/
More Info:

 QUIMUP is a client for the music player daemon
(MPD) written in C++ and QT3. The clean interface
makes controlling MPD's many features easy and
intuitive. The focus is on mouse handling:
playlist management is done entirely by
drag-&-drop; playback functions are directly
accessible from the system tray. Quimup turns MPD
into a perfect desktop music player.

Developed by Johan Spee.

 v. 0.3.0     


Far too many changes to mention here (see
www.coonsden.com for a full list).
* Added a 'mini mode" with sliding effect.
* Albums are now shown with the year: "1974
* Possibility to set a custom album art file name.
* Better handling of tracks with incomplete tag
* Comment tag is now shows as a tooltip on the
album art.
* the central divider in the Tracks window can now
be moved / positioned.
* up to 4 output devices can now be used

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