[Kde-announce-apps] TreeLine 1.0.1

Doug Doug Bell doug101 at bellz.org
Sat Mar 10 16:54:49 CET 2007

Name: TreeLine
Version: 1.0.1
Type: Text Processing
Depend: Qt 3.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://bellz.org/treeline/
More Info:

 Some would call TreeLine an Outliner, others
would call it a PIM. Basically, it just stores
almost any kind of information. A tree structure
makes it easy to keep things organized. And each
node in the tree can contain several fields,
forming a mini-database. The output format for
each node can be defined, and the output can be
shown on the screen, printed, or exported to html.

Requires the PyQt library.

 Fixes were made for problems with the drag & drop
of conditional nodes, using the edit-cut command
with the root node as part of the selection, and
handling the errors due to importing files with
invalid Unicode characters. A Russian translation
was also added.

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