[Kde-announce-apps] Contacts applet for Kicker 0.5.2

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau Friedrich.W.H at Kossebau.de
Mon Jan 22 00:13:35 CET 2007

Name: Contacts applet for Kicker
Version: 0.5.2
Type: KDE Improvement
Depend: KDE 3.5.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 An applet for direct access to your contacts!
Place buttons for single contacts, for lists by
category or for the whole lists of contacts in
your addressbook onto a Kicker panel. See the
status in the several systems a contact has an
account in, by the symbol on the button! Do a lot
of things, like surfing to her homepage, starting
an email or a chat by a click on the button! Or
drop the list button of all your school friends a
file/url to send it to them!

By the right mouse button menu you can add and
remove the buttons, configure the services, or
start the KAddressBook.

The applet is based upon the Contacts framework,
thus endlessly extendable by plugins. So you need
to first install the framework: 
You might also want to install the Contact cards

Includes (partial) translations for:
ar, bg, br, cs, da, de, el, es, ga, gl, it, ja,
nl, pl, pt, pt_BR, sk, sv, tr
Thanks to the translators!
Needs version 0.2.1 of the Contacts framework (see
link above). No unsermake needed. Packagers

* add Configure Services to RMB menu
* update on change of properties/services

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