Qosmic 1.2

Dh'to Betoo bitsed at u.washington.edu
Thu Dec 20 10:26:28 CET 2007

Name: Qosmic
Version: 1.2
Type: KDE Graphic Editor
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
More Info:

 A Qt application for editing cosmic recursive
fractal flames.

 Version 1.2

- Broke the settings tabbed box into smaller
individual widgets, and added   them to the
mainwindow as dockwidgets.
- Automatically save the current flame to the
user's $HOME/.qosmic.flam3.
- The triangle editor can show grid lines.
- The background and grid line colors in the
triangle editor can be set.
- Fixed some drawing and event handling problems
in the triangle editor.
- Values in spinboxes and the variations table are
adjustable using the mouse
- Minor improvements to the rendering scheduler.
- Added scroll lists to the palette selector for
selecting gradients.
- Nice coloring added to the variations table
indicating acceptable
  sheepserver variations.  Also, the non-zero
variation values are also
- Added a directory browser for browsing, viewing,
and selecting flam3 files.
- Added a widget that shows the status of the
rendering scheduler.
- The hue slider now works.
- The log level can be set using the 'log'
environment variable.
- Added icons from the Silk icon set by Mark James

Version 1.1.2

- Fixed a bug introduced in 1.1.1 while trying to
remove a compile warning.
- Added basis triangle scaling using the mouse

Version 1.1.1

This version is just a 1.1 release with some fixes
to the build setup for some systems.  If 1.1
builds on your system you don't need to upgrade.

- Changed an address cast to long for 64bit
- Added libxml2 to the LIBS variable in
- Moved the local flam3 directory to the beginning
of the linker search path.

Version 1.1

- Updated the flam3 library to libflam3-2.7.6
- Added a logging facility
- Added a mutations widget.
- Added a background color selector.
- Added support for GIMP Gradient files
- Changed the variations tab to use a table class,
and added a similar variables tab for editing
variation variables.
- Added horizontal and vertical flipping for
- The shift key reduces the amount of rotation and
- Fixed icon paths.
- Fixed a graphics scene scaling problem that
caused the window to jump around.

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