Qsynth 0.3.2

Rui Capela rncbc at rncbc.org
Wed Dec 19 19:38:17 CET 2007

Name: Qsynth
Version: 0.3.2
Type: KDE Sound Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://qsynth.sourceforge.net
More Info:

 QSynth is a fluidsynth GUI front-end application
written in C++ around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt
Designer. Eventually it may evolve into a
softsynth management application allowing the user
to control and manage a variety of command line
softsynth but for the moment it wraps the
excellent FluidSynth. FluidSynth is a command line
software synthesiser based on the Soundfont

 0.3.2  2007-12-19  Minor stealth fixes and season

- A new option to start the program minimized when
the system tray icon is enabled, is now available
from Setup/Misc/Start minimized to system tray.
- Regression from QSystemTrayIcon (Qt4 >= 4.2)
implementation, at least on X11 environments:
while the main application widget was minimized to
the system-tray, closing any other top-level
widget was causing the immediate and unexpected
application shutdown.
- Minor corrections on the output peak meter scale
- Tool/child windows position and size
preservation fixed.
- Orphaned MIDI device name no longer mistaken
when switching between MIDI drivers on engine
- A bit more of precision is achieved over the
output peak meters.
- Messages line limit was not being checked, now
- Simple as it could ever be, the build executive
summary report is now given on configure.
- Get configure to try and detect the correct
qmake location and insert it the search order, so
let the qt4 tools take precedence when --with-qt
option is given and older qt3 ones coexist and are
found located ahead in the PATH.
- The infamous "Keep child windows always on top"
global option is now supposed to behave a little
better when disabled, layering child windows as
naturally as far the window manager dictates.
- Inspired on Andreas Persson patch, while on
qjackctl-devel, which made it possible to compile
and run with older Qt 4.1, similar arrangements
were carried out on qsynth too, without
- Main panel spin-boxes gets accelerated when
stressed (Qt >= 4.2).

0.3.1   2007-07-16  Shallowed bug-fix release.

- Now using QSystemTrayIcon class facility if
available (Qt4 >= 4.2) making the system-tray
option available on most platforms, notably on
Windows and Mac OS X (EXPERIMENTAL).

- Combo-box setup history has been corrected on
restore, which was discarding the very initial
default (factory) contents.

- One programming error has been corrected, which
was affecting the editable preset combo-boxes

- Soundfont context menu is now available again
even when the setup dialog soundfont list is

- About form link is now browseable externally.

- Updated README-OSX (thanks to Ebrahim Mayat

0.3.0   2007-07-03  Qt4 migration was complete.

- Qt4 migration has commenced and is now complete.
Care must be taken with this new configuration
file and location: this release starts a new one
from scratch and won't reuse any of the previous
existing ones, although cut and paste might help
if you know what you'll be doing :)

- Application icon is now installed to
${prefix}/share/pixmaps; application desktop entry
file is now included in installation; spec file
(RPM) is now a bit more openSUSE compliant;
initial debianization.

- Default font option names were adjusted to "Sans
Serif" and "Monospace", wherever available.

- The "keep child windows always on top" option is
not set as default anymore, because window focus
behavior gets tricky on some desktop environments
(eg. Mac OS X, Gnome).

- Autoconf (configure) scripting gets an update.

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