KLatexFormula 2.0.0

Philippe Faist philippe.faist at bluewin.ch
Sat Apr 28 14:58:19 CEST 2007

Name: KLatexFormula
Version: 2.0.0
Type: Other Utility
Depend: KDE 3.1.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://klatexformula.sourceforge.net/
More Info:

 KLatexFormula 2.0 is an application to easily get
an image (that you can copy, drag-n-drop or save
to disk) from a LaTeX formula or equation.

To install, once the dependencies resolved (you
need LaTeX as well as Ghostscript *), you type:

prompt> tar xvfz klatexformula-1.2.1.tar.gz
prompt> cd klatexformula-1.2.1/
prompt> ./configure && make
prompt> su

prompt # make install
prompt # exit

And all should be OK.

(* ImageMagick library is no longer needed)

The program has two modes, shrinked and expanded
mode. Shrinked mode is straightforward, and
expanded mode lets you to specify a few options.

A help page is available by entering
"help:/klatexformula" in konqueror once the
program is installed.

I hope this can be useful for someone. I'm not
sure of having much time to spend for keeping this
application up to date, but I was encouraged to
publish it so here it is... :-)

 Using klatexformula in command-line mode is now
possible. Type klatexformula --help for more info.

A RPM for Suse 10.0 / KDE 3.4 is now available for

*** KLatexFormula 2.0.0 is out !
The source was subject to complete re-write for a
cleaner API. See KLatexFormula homepage
(klatexformula.sourceforge.net) for more
information. (Note: The formula history of an
older version of KLatexFormula can be imported in
the newer version)
  - New: A Symbols palette for insertinig in your
  - New: searching tagged history items
  - New: Syntax highlighting
  - Plus more features !

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