SpeedCrunch 0.7

Ariya Hidayat ariya at kde.org
Sun Apr 22 18:24:12 CEST 2007

Name: SpeedCrunch
Version: 0.7
Type: Scientific
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://speedcrunch.digitalfanatics.org/
More Info:

 SpeedCrunch is a multiplatform desktop calculator
for power users. It is designed to be enjoyed
using keyboard. Result is shown in scrollable
display, history of expressions is available with
up and down arrow.

Some other features: optional keypad, syntax
highlight, matched parenthesis indicator,
just-in-time calculation (show result even before
you finish typing) and autocomplete for variables.

SpeedCrunch can be compiled in Linux, Windows or
Mac OS X.

 peedCrunch 0.7
fixed CMake build under Mac OS X
fixed autocalc tip stealing the focus
fixed very wide buttons when using Cleanlooks
updated link to new homepage
fixed issue #17: crash with segmentation fault
fixed issue #22: segfault after
equal,backspace,evaluate, operator
fixed issue #27: program closed unexpectedly
fixed issue #28: crash on pressing "/"

SpeedCrunch 0.7-beta2
support for building using CMake
fixed issue #9: unary minus before a function
fixed issue #7: function argument in brackets
fixed issue #6: exponentiation of a negative
number returns NaN
fixed issue #5: auto calculation shows up even on
the first run
fixed issue #4: should scroll automatically to
show the result
fixed issue #3: function argument starts with
unary minus
patched crunch.pro to fix "make install" (thanks
to Vladimir Pouzanov)
made the application look for translations in the
current directory too
updated the slovenian, russian, french and
portuguese translations - thanks all translators

SpeedCrunch 0-7-beta1
changed from Qt 3 to Qt 4
changed the configure script to be compatible with
Qt 4
converted the layout system from container widgets
to layouts
added the keypad
added an application icon for windows systems

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