F-Droid meta data generation

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Sun Oct 25 15:07:13 GMT 2020

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 2:28 PM Volker Krause <vkrause at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been looking into the F-Droid meta data generation a bit, now that I am
> able to run this locally and make changes to it.
> The current system with generating the meta data from the final APK on the
> signing system is nice in that it is entirely transparent for the app, but it
> does have a few limitations:
> - it's happening late in the pipeline, which makes some information hard to
> access (such as the source code repository URL)

You might be right about that. The repository URL is something fiddly
in any case because there's many approaches that don't build software
from git (e.g. tarballs).

I would like to include the git repository url in the appstream
metadata for many reasons (de-duplication, development tools
integration, etc.). This is something I could push for.
That said, it might not solve the problem entirely.

> - it's running on the signing system, which requires deploying updates
> manually, and presumably doing things like screenshot downloads on there isn't
> ideal either from a security POV either

Yes, this was something that changed recently because Ben preferred to
do it this way. I agree it's not ideal and again it's something we can
probably improve upon by doing it closer to the developer setup.

> - it's not able to make use of manually provided parts for the meta data (e.g.
> the banner image which has no equivalent in appstream).

We can have custom fields in appstream too, not sure if that is useful

> - it's not accessible for F-Droid release builds, ie. builds running on their
> infrastructure

We can split the code outside, wherever makes sense.

> A possible way to address this could be to move meta data generation from repo
> generation to the build process, implemented as part of ECM. The resulting
> meta data would then need to be transferred alongside the APKs to the signing
> system for integration into the F-Droid repo, presumably this can be done by
> the same mechanism as the APKs are transferred.
> I think this can be done in a similarly transparent way, while now also being
> able to implement merging existing meta data fragments from the source dir. By
> moving to ECM this also becomes independent of our CI tooling, which should
> help F-Droid release builds.
> Thoughts?

Overall I think it's good to make this process more reliable. I wonder
what's the right way, the line between powerful and overengineered can
be thin.
ECM would be a fine place to put it. Also the AndroidExtras repository
we keep talking about could be a place. Our toolchain already depends
on Python so it shouldn't be entirely out of place.

When you say "the same mechanism" you mean passing the metadata side
by side or including the metadata within the apk?

> @Nico: would that cover what F-Droid builds need?
> @Aleix: could you add a license/copyright to the generation script (or provide
> me with one) please, preferably with an ECM-compatible license?

Sure, no problem.

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