Is there a project that is jovie successor? (fwd)

Gustav Degreef gustav97 at
Fri Oct 22 20:52:04 BST 2021

It sounds like festival is probably the culprit for Okular also.  I'll 
try and track it down/fix it/post back.  Thanks for this and for 
whatever you can do, Gustav

On 10/22/21 8:51 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> I bet kmouth runs festival by default.  Festival has many voices from many
> countries available to use.  So you don't want to be running espeak or you
> don't want to be running festival-server one or the other.  That should
> solve that problem.  Somewhere in kmouth configuration it starts up
> festival-server and commenting that line out ought to leave you with
> espeak or espeak-ng whichever is on your machine.
> It could be kmouth can be used by those that have never seen in this life.
> I downloaded that redcore distro and can try installing it and see how far
> I don't get.  I did software testing for the federal government before
> retiring so this shouldn't be too bad and have several ssd and sata disks
> I can use.
> On Fri, 22 Oct 2021, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>> Jeremy, thanks for your detailed and thoughtful reply.  I really appreciate
>> your taking this seriously.   I tried Kmouth again (after years).  It has:
>> 1)  the same problem as Okular.  It speaks the text in two simultaneous
>> streams (one espeak and the second a Scottish sounding voice) of the same text
>> so the output is incomprehensible.
>> 2) no way to stop the speech output.  No pause and no resume.
>> 3)  It opens a separate window, that I have to look for it on the taskbar -
>> when it is in the background.
>> 4) after bringing back the window (when I am in another application),  I have
>> to  navigate to the start button (or other button),  this is cumbersome.
>> 3) and 4) might seem trivial for a fully sighted person, but for the partially
>> sighted, it causes delay and frustration.  A typical task I do is writing
>> substantial documents and then I have Jovie read back to me the sentences,
>> paragraphs or pages that I've written (many times in a sitting).   This helps
>> in revising and editing any significant work.  The difference in functionality
>> between Jovie and Kmouth for this task (and other tasks) are pretty huge.
>> If you can give Kmouth the same functionality and ease of use of Jovie,
>> great.  I appreciate your efforts, Gustav
>> On 10/22/21 3:43 PM, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>>> Gustav, Simon,
>>> Thank you so much for the insight. I definitely hadn't considered those
>>> cases. I'll give it some thought today and decide one of the following to
>>> remedy the situation.
>>> 1. Add the missing features and functionality to KMouth.
>>> 2. Revive Jovie and clean it up quite a bit since it has bit rotted
>>> significantly in the past 5 years or so.
>>> I'm leaning towards 1 now since KMouth needs some love and attention anyway.
>>> If we go that direction KMouth would need the following features to be
>>> feature complete with the use cases described above.
>>> a) A queue of what will be spoken as well as control over the queue to
>>> remove entries, etc.
>>> b) Voice settings to be able to switch between voices quickly.
>>> c) A tray icon and/or more shortcut keys to be able to speak, play, stop,
>>> pause, etc. like Jovie had.
>>> d) Speak clipboard contents.
>>> for b I really didn't like that Jovie had voice settings that were separate
>>> from Speech-Dispatcher's settings. In my mind we should be able to control
>>> what voice settings (language, volume, pitch, etc.) directly by manipulating
>>> speech-dispatcher configuration. But for that to work the configuration gui
>>> would need to directly manipulate speech-dispatcher's .conf files and have a
>>> way to tell it to reload them when we change them. I'm not sure if that's
>>> already implemented in speech-dispatcher itself yet or not. If not it
>>> shouldn't be too tricky to add though. The other items should be pretty
>>> straightforward.
>>> thanks,
>>> Jeremy
>>> On Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 4:50 AM Gustav Degreef <gustav97 at
>>> <mailto:gustav97 at>> wrote:
>>>      Thank you Jeremy for the opportunity to address this directly.
>>>      In my opinion, Jovie/jovie placement is indispensable for those of us
>>>      who are partially sighted (not blind).?  In my opinion, a screen
>>>      reader
>>>      (very useful for the blind) actually gets in the way for people
>>>      like me.
>>>      ? ?  Jovie does a very simple and straightforward task - it reads
>>>      the most
>>>      recent content of the clipboard.?  Jovie allows for selecting text
>>>      (and
>>>      reading it out) in virtually all of the major applications/tasks (and
>>>      virtually all others) that a primarily desktop user needs for
>>>      every day
>>>      use.?  Those functions/tasks where?  jovie/replacement is needed are:
>>>      1) Text edit/read - in my case (imc) Kate
>>>      2) e-mail client - imc thunderbird
>>>      3) browser - imc Firefox
>>>      4) pdf reader - imc Okular
>>>      5) word processor - imc LibreOffice
>>>      6) text from "program to user output" (error messages, text boxes,
>>>      command line output, etc).
>>>      7) miscellaneous programs not so often used.
>>>      In my experience/opinion:
>>>      Kmouth is cumbersome and unwieldy and requires too many steps.
>>>      using the command line adds several steps that disturb the flow of
>>>      work,
>>>      it is not simple to have to switch windows and then have to type a
>>>      command.
>>>      Indispensable (for partially sighted) aspects of Jovie or Jovie
>>>      replacement:
>>>      1) SIMPLE interface with as few clicks or steps or commands to get
>>>      speech output. - ideal use is with mouse or keyboard shortcut.
>>>      Currently
>>>      jovie takes three simple steps with mouse or keyboard shortcut - text
>>>      select, text copy,?  then start/etc. speech output.
>>>      2) being able to select all or ONLY part of a piece of text - with
>>>      the
>>>      mouse or shortcut.
>>>      3) Easily start/stop and pause/resume speech output with mouse or
>>>      shortcut.
>>>      4) Sits in system tray or functions from menu that appears on right
>>>      click of mouse (or keyboard shortcut).
>>>      There are currently add ons to programs that COULD fulfill most of
>>>      these
>>>      requirements,?  however they do not all work well:
>>>      1) ) Kate - no plugin, no built in function for tts.
>>>      2) Thunderbird - Read Aloud plugin: very limited, it reads the ENTIRE
>>>      message with some headers. Does not allow for selecting a portion
>>>      of the
>>>      text, can't stop, can't pause/resume.?  Totally inadequate for a
>>>      bottom
>>>      posted list message.
>>>      3) Firefox - Read Aloud plugin:?  works quite well, has all needed
>>>      functions.
>>>      4) Okular - nice built in tts function, easy to select text, right
>>>      click
>>>      mouse to output speech.?  However it outputs (at least on
>>>      opensuse) two
>>>      simultaneous speech streams (of the same text) with different
>>>      voices and
>>>      it is impossible to understand.
>>>      5) LibreOffice - has a tts plugin but it is cumbersome and adds
>>>      several
>>>      steps.?  It has a nice feature to output the contents of the
>>>      clipboard
>>>      but it requires too many steps.
>>>      6) program to user output - kmouth or command line seem the only
>>>      alternative to Jovie
>>>      7) miscellaneous programs (with no plugins or built in tts)? -
>>>      same as 6)
>>>      It seems clear that a lot of developers are aware/are working on
>>>      tts for
>>>      various programs, and that is very encouraging and great. However,
>>>      it is
>>>      a time of great transition and the tts functions (without Jovie) are
>>>      quite inadequate for the partially sighted (for example, from macular
>>>      degeneration which is fairly common). Thanks, Gustav.
>>>      On 10/22/21 1:56 AM, Jeremy Whiting wrote:
>>>      > Hello all,
>>>      >
>>>      > I've been quietly watching this conversation for a bit but need to
>>>      > chime in here. I'm the one that changed the name from ktts to Jovie
>>>      > many years ago. Then deprecated Jovie itself when QtSpeech came
>>>      about.
>>>      > I'm very curious about what use cases there still are for Jovie.
>>>      > Shortly before the name change from ktts to Jovie it was
>>>      drastically
>>>      > changed to just be a gui on top of Speech-Dispatcher. QtSpeech as a
>>>      > library does the same thing but has no gui, is only useful from
>>>      > applications. My question is what do you use Jovie for exactly?
>>>      Here
>>>      > are the ways replacements using QtSpeech "Just Work" in my mind.
>>>      >
>>>      > Want to hear notifications from any KDE application like Jovie/ktts
>>>      > did? Turn that on in the application's notifications
>>>      configuration. It
>>>      > uses QtSpeech to speak the notification, title, message or both.
>>>      Just
>>>      > like it did previously with ktts/jovie.
>>>      > Want to read a document out loud? Use Okular's QtSpeech actions in
>>>      > it's menu. It sends either the selected text or the current page
>>>      to be
>>>      > spoken to Speech-Dispatcher directly for listening to the document.
>>>      > Want to read out loud a web article of some kind? Use Firefox's tts
>>>      > features to read it out to you. It doesn't use QtSpeech, but
>>>      interacts
>>>      > with speech-dispatcher directly if I recall correctly.
>>>      > Want to type some text and hear it spoken? This can be done in a
>>>      > number of ways. 1. spd-say command line tool. 2. espeak or
>>>      espeak-ng
>>>      > or festival, or pico or any other tts directly from command
>>>      line. 3.
>>>      > Use KMouth if you prefer to have a gui. KMouth uses
>>>      speech-dispatcher
>>>      > directly if I recall correctly and provides a nice gui with a
>>>      > customizable dictionary of commonly used words, etc.
>>>      >
>>>      > With the above, what is the use of Jovie anymore? If there's a use
>>>      > case that isn't covered by the above we can certainly revive
>>>      Jovie and
>>>      > fill the gap if there is one, but in my mind the above uses are
>>>      > already covered.
>>>      >
>>>      > thanks,
>>>      > Jeremy Whiting
>>>      >
>>>      > On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 4:15 PM Jude DaShiell
>>>      <jdashiel at <mailto:jdashiel at>
>>>      > <mailto:jdashiel at <mailto:jdashiel at>>> wrote:
>>>      >
>>>      >?  ?  ? Quite agree with you on that score.???  A new version of
>>>      redcore
>>>      >?  ?  ? Linux is
>>>      >?  ?  ? available for download and it has a very current kernel
>>>      and its
>>>      >?  ?  ? default
>>>      >?  ?  ? desktop is kde plasma.???  Maybe one thing jovie might do
>>>      when
>>>      >?  ?  ? started up is
>>>      >?  ?  ? to locate something like espeak-ng or espeak or
>>>      speech-dispatcher and
>>>      >?  ?  ? start those up first then come up on its own.??? If it finds
>>>      >?  ?  ? speech-dispatcher maybe remind the user to run spd-conf
>>>      to get
>>>      >?  ?  ? speech-dispatcher configured correctly but could generate
>>>      a default
>>>      >?  ?  ? spd.conf file and let the user know that it's there and maybe
>>>      >?  ?  ? reconfigure
>>>      >?  ?  ? if problems arise.
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      >?  ?  ? On Thu, 21 Oct 2021, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>>>      >
>>>      >?  ?  ? > Festival was not much of an improvement in voice
>>>      quality.???
>>>      >?  ?  ? Embrola, as you
>>>      >?  ?  ? > say, was too difficult to configure.???  I'll check out
>>>      Fenrir,
>>>      >?  ?  ? and tdsr but the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > voice quality is TOTALLY secondary - a smoothly working
>>>      >?  ?  ? jovie/espeak (or
>>>      >?  ?  ? > equivalent) is quite adequate to get things done.???Â
>>>      Which in
>>>      >?  ?  ? theend is really
>>>      >?  ?  ? > the important thing. Gustav
>>>      >?  ?  ? >
>>>      >?  ?  ? > On 10/21/21 1:56 PM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > > fenrir and tdsr are a couple more to check out and
>>>      mbrola and
>>>      >?  ?  ? festival can
>>>      >?  ?  ? > > maybe help the human speech situation though not easily
>>>      >?  ?  ? configured.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >
>>>      >?  ?  ? > > On Thu, 21 Oct 2021, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> Actually, Jovie replaced ktts quite some years ago.????
>>>      >?  ?  ? Qtspeech is supposed
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> to
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> be a partial replacement, but there is no frontend
>>>      program to
>>>      >?  ?  ? manage the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> output of speechdispatcher (like Jovie). ??? e-speak
>>>      works
>>>      >?  ?  ? fine for me, but
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> bothers everyne else who listens to my computer
>>>      outptut (my
>>>      >?  ?  ? partner and
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> friends).????  e-speak is clear enough, just does
>>>      not sound
>>>      >?  ?  ? like a person.???
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> Good,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> I'll look into espeak-ng, thanks! Gustav
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >> On 10/21/21 11:04 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> I had read somewhere ktts was supposed to have replaced
>>>      >?  ?  ? jovie.???  Also,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> espeak-ng is a successor to espeak.???  It's good
>>>      you got any
>>>      >?  ?  ? of this
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> working.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu,
>>>      21 Oct
>>>      >?  ?  ? 2021 04:36:27
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> From: Gustav Degreef <gustav97 at
>>>      <mailto:gustav97 at>
>>>      >?  ?  ? <mailto:gustav97 at <mailto:gustav97 at>>>
>>>      To: Simion
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> <simion314 at <mailto:simion314 at>
>>>      <mailto:simion314 at <mailto:simion314 at>>>,
>>>      >?  ?  ? kde-accessibility at
>>>      <mailto:kde-accessibility at>
>>>      <mailto:kde-accessibility at <mailto:kde-accessibility at>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? Subject: Re: Is there a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> project that is jovie successor?
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> Hi Simion,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> Thanks for your input and effort.????? ?????  I
>>>      carefuly looked
>>>      >?  ?  ? over everything
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> you
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> mentioned, including the script but it has taken me
>>>      a long
>>>      >?  ?  ? time.????? ?????  I
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> only
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> have a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> rudimentary??????  knowledge of
>>>      scripts.????? ????? ?????  So
>>>      >?  ?  ? modifying or writing
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> scripts
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> is beyond
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> my current possibility, especially with my vision
>>>      >?  ?  ? problems.????? ?????  But it
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> really
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> helped me to look everything over.????? ?????  I
>>>      decided the
>>>      >?  ?  ? best way was to go
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> back
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> to
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> trying to install it from the opensuse
>>>      repos.????? ?????  I had
>>>      >?  ?  ? failed the first
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> time and
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> created a great confusion in my setup. But it was a
>>>      spare
>>>      >?  ?  ? "test" setup on
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> separate partition.????? ????? I spent a lot of
>>>      time cleaning
>>>      >?  ?  ? up the repos,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> updating and
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> cleaning up. And now Jovie works on opensuse
>>>      15.3!????? ?????
>>>      >?  ?  ? The packages come
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> from
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> unofficial repos, but someone else with the tech
>>>      knowhow has
>>>      >?  ?  ? put it
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> together.????? ?
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> I am "forced" to upgrade soon, since the opensuse
>>>      15.2 EOL
>>>      >?  ?  ? is soon.????? ????
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> But
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> now I
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> can move forward hopefully for another 1.5 years,
>>>      the life
>>>      >?  ?  ? of 15.3 until a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> better solution comes.????? ?????  I hope you or
>>>      someone else
>>>      >?  ?  ? can help come up
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> with
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> replacement for Jovie.????? ?????  Thanks for your
>>>      >?  ?  ? efforts.????? ?????  Gustav.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> p.s. I'm posting back on the list in case it may help
>>>      >?  ?  ? someone else.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>> On 9/13/21 1:13 AM, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>> On 8/30/21 7:15 PM, Simion wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> Hi Gustav,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> I personally would try to compile it, if I am
>>>      unable I
>>>      >?  ?  ? would try first a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> simple bash script, the issue with next script is
>>>      that is not
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> queuing????????????? the tasks so you can get 2
>>>      speakers at
>>>      >?  ?  ? the same time
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> or
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> you
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> can edit the script to "killall" previous taks (so an
>>>      >?  ?  ? application that
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> runs
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> in background would be needed to improve the
>>>      experience)
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> #! /bin/bash
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> xclip -out -selection primary | xclip -in
>>>      -selection clipboard
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> xsel --clipboard | tr "\n" " " | espeak
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> #end script
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> or maybe python or nodejs
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> I am tempted to write something to do some
>>>      cleanup on the
>>>      >?  ?  ? input,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> like when I want to read an entire reddit page of
>>>      omments
>>>      >?  ?  ? would be nice
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> if
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> I
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> could????????????? clean it up?????????????Â
>>>      first and remove
>>>      >?  ?  ? all the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> "reply/report
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> ..." buttons labels
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> The reason I decided that in future I would use
>>>      espeak is
>>>      >?  ?  ? because in my
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> current configuration jovie uses speech
>>>      dispatcher and
>>>      >?  ?  ? speech dispatcher
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> uses
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> espeak , Qt5 is a new extra layer so a new placed
>>>      that
>>>      >?  ?  ? could cause
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> problems
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> (but yes Qt5 would be nice to have if you plant
>>>      to write a
>>>      >?  ?  ? cross
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> operating
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> system desktop application).
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> I have no plans to upgrade from my system
>>>      >?  ?  ? soon,?????????????  maybe when I
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> will
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> upgrade my computer or I am forced to upgrade.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> You probably need to install and configure
>>>      espeak, the
>>>      >?  ?  ? language and
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> speed,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> you can have a key bind to?????????????  run the
>>>      script, you
>>>      >?  ?  ? can modify the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> script
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> to?????????????  add something like "killall
>>>      espeak" to stop
>>>      >?  ?  ? the previous
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> Sorry I can't help more.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> Regards, Simion
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>> Hi Simion,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>> Thanks for taking the time and for your effort.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>> On 8/28/21 11:42 PM, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> Hi Simion,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> Thanks for your detailed reply.?????????????  I use
>>>      >?  ?  ? opensuse leap 15.2
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> with
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> KDE
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> plasma 5.18.6, Qt 5.12.7. ?????????????  Jovie
>>>      continues to
>>>      >?  ?  ? work fine even
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> though
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> it has been deprecated.?????????????  However,
>>>      it no longer
>>>      >?  ?  ? works on
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> opensuse
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> 15.3 and 15.2 end of life is in December this year.
>>>      >?  ?  ? Someone has built
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> packages for Jovie on the Open Build Service of
>>>      Suse, but
>>>      >?  ?  ? I could not
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> get
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> it
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> to install properly, I think it's due to the Qt
>>>      changes,
>>>      >?  ?  ? I got a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> dependency
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> mess.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> I have been trying to find a replacement for
>>>      Jovie for 3
>>>      >?  ?  ? years at
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> least,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> since it was clear it would no longer be
>>>      >?  ?  ? maintained.?????????????  Read
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> Aloud
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> is
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> a plugin for Firefox that fills all the browser
>>>      needs.
>>>      >?  ?  ? Thunderbird also
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> has
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> a Read Aloud plugin, but it only works for
>>>      single emails
>>>      >?  ?  ? and top posted
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> replies, list messages, etc.?????????????  It
>>>      reads only
>>>      >?  ?  ? from top to
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> bottom
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> without being able to select only parts of the
>>>      >?  ?  ? mail.??????????
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> LibreOffice
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> has a text to speech plugin that even reads the
>>>      clipboard
>>>      >?  ?  ? contents, but
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> it
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> is cumbersome.???????????? Okular has a nice TTS
>>>      function,
>>>      >?  ?  ? but it often
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> starts
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> two different simultaneous but voices of the
>>>      same text
>>>      >?  ?  ? which can't be
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> understood.???????????? Sometimes id functions
>>>      >?  ?  ? fine.?????????????  That is
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> where I
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> use TTS the most, and periodically to read out error
>>>      >?  ?  ? messages, text
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> boxes
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> etc (for which Jovie is indispensable and for
>>>      which I
>>>      >?  ?  ? don't have an
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> adequate
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> substitute).
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> Any suggestions????????????? Perhaps to compile
>>>      Jovie from
>>>      >?  ?  ? a tar
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> binary??????????????  Or are you seriously
>>>      thinking of
>>>      >?  ?  ? building a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> replacement
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> for
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> Jovie? Thanks, Gustav.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>> On 8/26/21 12:01 PM, Simion wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> Hi, no problem ,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> btw my name is Simion no Simon, don't worry it
>>>      is OK
>>>      >?  ?  ? just want to
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> mention
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> it to prevent issues like typos in emails
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> I still use Jovie, from my fork with a few
>>>      crash fixes
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> I have some scripts that I use directly espeak .
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> I was not yet forced to give up on Jovie but my
>>>      >?  ?  ? conclussion was to not
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> use
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> Qt if I have to write my own replacement,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> since I would not need some crossplatform
>>>      solution I
>>>      >?  ?  ? could probably
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> make
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> python application , or even something that
>>>      runs in the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      browser????????????????????????????????????????????????
>>>      >?  ?  ? or nodejs.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> But for now on my distro I can still compile
>>>      jovie , I
>>>      >?  ?  ? have a keyboard
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> with
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> multipmedia keys so my workflow is to copy
>>>      paste stuff
>>>      >?  ?  ? in clipboard
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> and
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> using my keys I can play/pause/resume. I still use
>>>      >?  ?  ? espeak as backend
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> with
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> voice speed set to max.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>> On 8/26/21 12:37 PM, Gustav Degreef wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> Hello Simon,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> I saw your old message on the accessibility
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>
>>>      list.????????????????????????????????????????????????  I
>>>      >?  ?  ? also have
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> serious
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> eye
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> problems, though I am not
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>
>>>      blind.????????????????????????????????????????????????  I
>>>      >?  ?  ? have been
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> using
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> Jovie
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> for most of my computer time for years and I
>>>      am trying
>>>      >?  ?  ? to find a
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> replacement for
>>>      >?  ? ? it.????????????????????????????????????????????????  In
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> my
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> situation a screen reader is not
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>
>>>      suitable.???????????????????????????????????????????
>>>      >?  ?  ? Excuse me for
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> writing
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> you
>>>      >?  ? ? directly.????????????????????????????????????????????????
>>>      Can I ask
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> you
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> more about this
>>>      >?  ? ? issue??????????????????????????????????????????????
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> Gustav
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>> On 5/12/18 10:18 AM, Simion wrote:
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> Hello, So I know that jovie is not be ported
>>>      to KDE5
>>>      >?  ?  ? and that the
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> idea
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> is
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> to use QtSpeech, I can't find if someone
>>>      started a
>>>      >?  ?  ? replacement for
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> jovie
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> that uses QtSpeech yet.
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> I plan to investigate QtSpeech and see if it
>>>      works
>>>      >?  ?  ? properly on
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> Linux,
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> if
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>> there is no such a project started is there any
>>>      >?  ?  ? interest in it?
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>>>>>>>>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>
>>>      >?  ?  ? > >>
>>>      >?  ?  ? >
>>>      >?  ?  ? >
>>>      >?  ?  ? >
>>>      >

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