Brokeeen KTTS

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at
Thu Feb 22 19:39:35 UTC 2018

Hello Bob,

KTTS and KDE3 both are quite old, but I'll see what I can do to help. KTTS
in kde3 times was set up to use a number of plugins for speech synthesis.
One for espeak, another for festival, another for flite, etc. Do you happen
to know which one you were/are using? It's possible whichever one it was
has a bug but since ktts is so old it's not likely to get any bug fixes if
the bug is in ktts itself. If the bug is in festival or espeak, it may help
to update or upgrade the package for that from the suse software manager (I
think it's part of yast or zypper on command line if I recall correctly).

I hope that helps, somehow.
Jeremy Whiting

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 12:26 PM, Bob Stia <rnr at> wrote:

> Hello    KTTS is not working properly. A few months ago when something was
> copied to it from the clipboard it was chopping words at the front and end
> of
> sentences. Recently whole sentences were clipped off at the beginning of
> the
> material copied on to the clipboard in the kttsmgr. I had to restart the
> material in the kttsmgr in order to hear the entire text.  I am running
> open
> SUSA 42.2 and KDE 3. I have been using linux for many years. ktts is vital
> to
> me as I am legally blind and cannot read any text on my display. If anyone
> can help me with this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.
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