KDE/ QT/ Plasma accessibility contributions

Mario Fux a11y-ml at unormal.org
Thu Aug 23 09:42:08 BST 2018

Am Donnerstag, 23. August 2018, 10:16:15 CEST schrieb chrys at linux-a11y.org:
> Howdy list,

Good morning Chrys

Nice to read from you, your experience with KDE software and Plasma and your 
planned future work.

> My name is chrys. I m a visual impaired guy from germany. I m new to
> this list.
> Since Gnome gets more and more crippled i decide to change to KDE/ Plasma.
> And it was one of best decisions I did. Plasma is awsome and i wont
> miss it now (lol).
> I use KWins zoom plugin.
> My girlfrind is blind. She currently switched to Mate for the same
> reason like me. Mate is pretty accessible. But there are a lot of
> stuff missing what we would suspect from an modern desktop (search in
> menu and those stuff).
> Plasma has all that. So i decide to try plasma using Orca.
> My results: Its very slow, unstable and often hard to navigate. But it
> worked at all! thats more that i was suspecting. What tells me that
> the plasma shell already exposes the needed information to the at-spi
> (cool).
> Impressed by that results, I want start fixing up stuff for KDE/
> Plasma/ QT a11y to make work for her (and ohters) one day.
> So i read
> https://community.kde.org/Get_Involved#Accessibility
> and
> https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Accessibility
> what brings me to the point to say hello here in the list :).
> Sadly information is very rare in a11y stuff (not only for KDE). Thats
> why i want to find others who maybe already have knowledge to Mentor
> me or wants to work together with me to raise the motivation and fun
> :). on my way to get touched with that.
> So:
> 1. Is there someone out there who wants to join my effort?
> 2. Is there someone out there who can Mentor me a bit for my first steps?
> 3. Is there an effort what already exists what i can maybe join?

As I organized two Randa Meetings with the focus on Accessibility and thus saw 
different KDE projects participate quite successfully (although I never really 
managed to bring in a11y users to test the improvements) I think that the most 
successfully way to further improve KDE software is to directly work with the 
different projects (and thus their mailing lists and IRC channels etc.).

E.g. if you find stuff buggy or missing in KDE's Plasma just create the 
patches and add them to Phabricator and add Plasma people as reviewers. David 
Edmundson, Marco Martin and Co did quite some work on Plasma a11y in recent 
Randa Meetings. And thus if you need help or mentorship on Plasma ping these 
people too they are very supportive.

But don't hesitate to ask here further questions too or just explain what you 
want to do or have done.

> cheers chrys

Looking forward hearing from you again.

Best regards

PS: And for the case I can help you on IRC just ping me. I'm "unormal" there.

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