[Kde-accessibility] Issues while Implementing At-spi-2.0

Dhairyashil Bhosale dhairyashil.bhosale584 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 09:14:41 UTC 2015

Hi All,

           I am new to At-spi. I am trying to implement At-spi-2.0 in C
language(on Debian-Wheezy), but I found various issues,
* please see the code posted in this link:
http://pastebin.com/hAyA6hdt <http://pastebin.com/hAyA6hdt> *

              1) I successfully initialize the* atspi_init()* method and it
returns '0', but
                  the callback method* is not get called by
atspi_event_listener_new()* method.

              2) Then I register the listener using*
atspi_event_listener_register**(**)* method,
                  and it returns 'True', but when I execute the code and
generate the registered
                  events  then nothing happens on screen.

              3) When registered event are fired then the *callback method *is
not get called.

           I compile the code using following command:
*                          "  **gcc -Wall -I/usr/include/at-spi-2.0/
-I/usr/include/glib-2.0/ -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0  $(pkg-config --cflags
glib-2.0 gobject-2.0 atspi-2) test.c -latspi ".*

Please give your valuable suggestions.

With Regards,
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