[Kde-accessibility] ANNOUNCE: AT-SPI 2.9.90 released

Mike Gorse mgorse at alum.wpi.edu
Tue Aug 20 15:59:16 UTC 2013

AT-SPI 2.9.90 is now available for download at:


What is AT-SPI2

AT-SPI2 is a D-Bus based accessibility framework. It defines a D-Bus
protocol for providing and accessing application accessibility
information. The project includes a library for bridging the D-Bus
protocol to the ATK API, allowing Gtk based applications to be made
accessible. It also contains a client (AT) side library in C and a wrapper
for Python.

What's changed in AT-SPI 2.9.90

* Added atspi_text_get_string_at_offset. Atspi_text_get_text is now
   deprecated (BGO#705581, BGO#705713).

* Separated out X-specific code in preparation for supporting Wayland and
   to prevent trouble on OSX (BGO#701378, BGO#682199).

Where can I get more information about AT-SPI2

The project wiki is available at:


How can I contribute to AT-SPI2?

We need help testing with Gnome accessibility technologies, improving
performance, and generally tying up loose ends.  The above-referenced page
contains a list of known issues that should be fixed.

IRC   : #a11y on Gimpnet
E-Mail: accessibility-atspi at lists.linux-foundation.org

Development repositories can be found at:


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