[Kde-accessibility] Simon: Third Meeting: Minutes

Peter Grasch peter at grasch.net
Sat Aug 17 18:35:52 UTC 2013


short meeting today as only Adam, Simon and me actually showed up.

We quickly ran through the old tasks where I reported some accuracy
gains on a much smaller test training corpus with LDA and some fine
tuning all around. Currently, I'm investigating MMIE.

I also mentioned my meetings with DuckDuckGo (looking for an open-source
ASR for an as of yet undisclosed use-case) and Auphonic (looking for
podcast transcriptions).

Going forward, Adam and Simon will work together on the LiveTranscriber.
They'll coordinate this separately. (next steps there would be to
integrate the alignment workflow and to implement task tracking,
scheduling, etc. to make the system scalable by employing a cluster for
the heavy lifting).

Regarding the organizational structure, we decided to go forward with
launching the project under the KDE umbrella. I will now get in touch
with the rest of the KDE community to make sure that what I proposed in
my last email is fine by them.

Best regards,

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