[Kde-accessibility] [orca-list] Menu bar in qt apps in Ubuntu Precise

Nagappan Alagappan nagappan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 18:13:51 UTC 2012

Hello Krishnakant,

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 2:55 AM, hackingKK <hackingkk at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> If you are intending to make a virtual machine available, I would be
> interested in testing it.

Probably you could quickly try with http://susestudio.com/ or similar

> Will you provide a virtual hard disk which I can put into a virtual box
> and run it/
> I use Ubuntu 11.04 and will be shifting to 12.04 in most cases.
> would you suggest giving KDE and qt apps a try for production use?
> Further I also have a question on accessibility of various apps.
> I wish to know if I can use libre office, firefox, and other apps with the
> same accessibility like that of gnome with orca?
> Further more, is VlC going to be accessible?
> or do you suggest another QT based media player?
> Also interesting will be to see if programming tools like eclipse are
> accessible on KDE desktop with qt apps.

For java based app you have to have Java access library, earlier version
steps are available here:



> Happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
> On 03/03/12 04:51, Alex Midence wrote:
>> Hi, Frederik,
>> Thank you for looking into this matter.  I gotta tell you, I'm having
>> a blast exploring these applications.  I noticed that even things like
>> the KSnapshot app are looking very promising with orca.  In the event
>> of there being some code that needs to be modified in qt-at-spi, do
>> you happen to know if it will make it into Precise or will somebody
>> have to install from source from the gitorious site?  The reason I'm
>> asking is that I'm making a pre-configured virtual machine available
>> to the community so that anyone who wishes can try out and test these
>> applications and provide you all with feedback and the like can do so
>> even if they lack the skill to install them and set them up for
>> accessibility themselves while things are in these beginning stages.
>> I'd like to know if people will simply be able to run a quick sudo
>> apt-get upgrade to get the fixes you are putting in or if something
>> more elaborate is called for.
>> Thanks again for your time and efforts.
>> Alex M
>> On 3/2/12, Frederik Gladhorn<frederik.gladhorn@**nokia.com<frederik.gladhorn at nokia.com>>
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Fredag 2. mars 2012 09.41.24 skrev Alex Midence:
>>>> Hi, folks,
>>>> Wondered if anyone could offer up any advice on fixing this problem:
>>>> For some reason, the menus are not being read in qt apps in Precise
>>>> whereas they were being read in Oneiric.  I was able to test this in
>>>> Amarok, Dragon Player, KWallet and a few others.  I'd hit, say alt h
>>>> and then the down arrow and Orca would announce "Pop-up menu" and then
>>>> read the menu item such as "Handbook", "About"  ETC.  Now, I do this
>>>> in Precise, and I get silence the whole way through.  What I will say
>>>> is that I am able to explore these apps in flat review pretty well
>>>> with the odd "filler" and "label" object being announced.
>>> I just checked the menus and can confirm it on my machine.
>>> My guess is that it's a regression I introduced. I'll look into it.
>>> Cheers
>>> Frederik
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