[Kde-accessibility] jovie and mbrola

Bob Stia rnr at pasco.org
Thu Dec 13 01:15:27 UTC 2012

Hello KDE people,

I am new to this list and hoping my first post will reach somebody. 
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai am legally blind and find it almost impossible to read 
very large fonts and type ccoherebtly. 

I eun two versions of openSSUSE. 11.3 with KDE3 aba 12.2 with LDE4. I have 
installed Festival and espeak on both systems. I have also installed mbrola 
and CMU voices (correcctly, I hope) on both systems.

In 11.3 KDE3 uses KTTS with Feestival. In 12.2 KDE4 usea Jovie. Both work, but 
only with their own horrible barely intelligible voices. I cannot get KTTS to 
seee the espeak synthesizer nor Jovie to see the Festical synthesizer. 
Neither czn see the mbrola or CMU voices.

It is important to me to get these TTS screen readerss working satisfactorily 
as my blindness progressees.

Thank You

Bob S

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